The Divine Mother Healing Activation's Practitioner Training
The Divine Mother Healing Activation's Practitioner Training
The Divine Mother Healing Activations Practitioner Training is a series of healing transmissions through the Overlighting of the Sisterhood of the Rose and the energy of the Divine Mother.
These Masterclasses are simplified into seven “Rose Kits”, each one providing high frequency healing activations, attunements, visualizations and invocations to transform every level of your beingness.
The focus of the Divine Mother Healing Activations is through attunement to the Divine Mother. As you attune to the field of Divine Love within and around you, you deepen into the innate wisdom and divine intelligence of your own bodies, aligning ever deeper to your Divine Blueprint, which includes your template of perfect health, balance and well-being. Through the infusion of the Healing Energies of the Divine Mother, and your Beloved I Am Presence, the Sisterhood of the Rose, Nature and Nature Intelligence, you attune the cellular frequency of the body into resonance with a higher octaves of the New Earth Templates and the multi-verse. In alignment to the Universal Divine Blueprint you can heal yourself of any dis-comfort or dis-ease, knowing that the Universe is here to support you on every level of your beingness.