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Voices of the Light Tribe

Voices of the Light Tribe

Voices of the Light Tribe is a New Earth Platform focused on assisting Light Workers to expand their Service work globally through the Heart of Love.

~ Enjoy the Full Moon energies my precious friends and family ~"As you experience the Full Moon energy on July 22nd and 23rd, if you choose, sweet ones, you may experience an Initiation of Light into the Order of Melchizedek.You are given the visions through the Christed Timelines as the veils of illusion are lifted and you see clearly through your Master Eyes to these various timelines of your highest potential, of yourselves as Initiates of Light, in ancient Egypt and Atlantis, Lemuria, the Mayan and Aztec cultures, the Native American cultures, perhaps in now moments through the Essene Brotherhood, through the Christed lineage, through the Royal House of Avalon, the Divine Feminine, star seeding the Light of Creation in Divine Love. You recognize yourselves, sweet ones, as the High Priests and Priestesses and you allow this knowledge to be further activated as you have a sense of the inner plane ashrams and schools of learning that you journey to, to come into a deeper level of wisdom. And in this knowing you realize that you are working with the Great White Lodge, the Brotherhood of the Light. And you are lifted in soul consciousness now, in this external merkaba vehicle of Light, into the Great White Lodge stationed in the etheric of Sirius. You are welcomed and greeted as this Initiate of Light into this magnificent multi-coloured City of Light. The Patterns of Perfection within this multi-colored City of Light appear to constantly change, reflecting the many programs of Light and Cosmic Consciousness awareness. These Beings of Light, the Awakened Masters, Sages, Ascended Masters, Masters of wisdom, invite you now to experience a deeper level of your service work. They offer to place you in this Metatron Activated Chamber of Light ~ in reading the energy harmonics of your original Divine eight-cell blueprint relative to the multi-universal blueprint you will feel and experience the electron-positron pairs within your body spinning in increased Light frequencies relative to your level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness. As this Metatron Activated Chamber of Light comes in, Divine energy transmissions powered through the electron pour into your physical energy body, bringing integrated concepts that you may potentially manifest on this physical earth as Initiates of Light, as Melchizedek Initiates of Light. You are given information in these Light Codes, as to how you may best be of service, sweet ones. And now as you prepare to leave this Light Chamber, the Brotherhood of the Light members that have welcomed and greeted you to the Great White Lodge telepathically link you to members of the Order of Melchizedek, of the Great White Lodge on this earth-plane who are involved in similar service work to yourself. You are putting out a call to magnetize and attract into your reality those of a similar service work ~ you are calling upon, sweet ones, your star families of the Light. Additionally you are activated in frequency to be able to receive transmissions of Light from the Great White Lodge, so you may be guided intuitively in making the appropriate decisions in your service work, in your co-creation of Heaven of Earth. You are now lifted in soul consciousness to the Cities of Light in Orion, to the central ashram of the Order of Melchizedek. This great ashram brings through many of the wisdom teachings that are now activated for you as you are lifted in soul consciousness into this Temple of Light, to this ashram of the Order of Melchizedek that brings through primarily a deeper level of understanding of all the Initiations of Light. And you glimpse now, through this pyramid of Light that surrounds you, into the Akashic Records ~ your own records, and now into the future of yourself and others ~ of seeing yourself co-creating Heaven on Earth, as these Flames of Divine Love; of deepening your service work, of understanding the laws of creation, of understanding the many contracts that you make on these various levels, with your earthly family, your soul family, your star family, sweet ones. You have reached this level of understanding because you have experienced many lifetimes, to get to this point, to this Now, and it unfolds for you graciously, and harmoniously, and gently, for this is what you are co-creating, this collective Flame of Divine Love, and in this month of July a deeper level of Wisdom and insight and understanding, through this sacred Cosmic Fire of Wisdom. Lord Melchizedek comes forward to embrace you now, in his Body of Light. As these memories are fully activated for you, sweet ones, you take a moment once more to experience many of these Initiations of Light that you have undertaken, not only on this earth-plane but in sister dimensions, other dimensions of Light, that connect you too now to your dimensional selves on every dimension of Light. Wonderful, sweet ones. You now come back into your sacred space as you hold the energy and magnificence of yourself as a Melchizedek Initiate of Light. Grounding once more into the energy of Mother Earth and keeping this connection of Light open to the Company of Heaven through the Unity Grid of Divine Love you experience this deep sense of One Unity Consciousness". We thank you for your service work, sweet ones, and with this we bid you a most magical day. ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

Voices of the Light Tribe
777 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation – The Divine Illumination of God I AmThe Eye of Horus and ESP Gifts AttunementsTwo Hour Zoom Video Masterclass with Anrita MelchizedekLearn More and Register: iampresence.voicesofthelighttribe.com/777-the-divine-illumination-of-god-i-am Beloved hearts, we invite you to join us in this powerful Masterclass on the 777 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation – The Divine Illumination of God I Am as we experience the Eye of Horus and ESP Gifts Attunements. As the Stargate of our Loving Heart and toroidal field expands, and becomes the Divine Intelligence through which we operate, we perceive with greater clarity the organic flow of New Earth timelines, constantly aligning and re-aligning to all that is highest aligned. As we shift into the next level of Heavenly realms, we are illuminated by the Higher Mind Wisdom of our Beloved I Am Presence, experienced thru a recalibration of the Pineal, Pituitary, Hypothalamus and Thalamus Glands, also known as the Crystal Palace, as well as an expansion of our ESP gifts.This unveils through the remembrance of the teachings of the Eye of Horus, taking us ever deeper into the recalibration of the left and right hemispheres of the brain as well as the Illumination of the Higher Mind synchronized to the Higher Heart. As initiates in ancient Egypt, we experienced the teachings of the Left Eye of Horus, the intuitive, feminine, heart centered aspects to open our Hearts, and then the Right Eye of Horus, the mathematical, sacred geometries and hieroglyphics of Eternal Light and Immortality as we created our Bodies of Light. The Right Eye of Horus further represented the Sun and the left hemisphere of our brain, and the Left Eye of Horus the Moon and right side of our brain.The Eye of Horus symbolizes wisdom and enlightenment. As the revered symbol of the falcon-headed god, it represents the ability to perceive our realities with clarity and discernment and higher perspectives as we continually ascend. In this Masterclass beloved hearts, we experience the Eye of Horus and ESP Gifts Attunements by activating the Crystal Palace as well as accessing and integrating Plasma Light as it exists within us, and around us, through our physical eyes. In the activation of the Crystal Palace, hormones are released that facilitate an expansion of our Consciousness in addition to which transcendental vision often occurs too, offering to us increased Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) Gifts of Inner Visions, Vivid Dreams, Merging Timelines, Inner Lights, Increased Knowing and Intuition and more, as we expand all from within. Additionally sweet ones, the Crystal Palace further facilitates the production of Amrita, also known as the “Elixir of Immortality”, along with the creation of Crystals for Light Body activation. The crystals travel through the Cerebrospinal Fluid, and along with neuropeptides, amplify the feelings we experience with/as our Beloved I Am Presence and Mother/Father God. We start our beautiful transmission by activating the Crystal Palace. Overlighted by our Beloved I Am Presence and the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light we initially experience the Ankh Breath. The Ankh Breath assists in activating the Kundalini as well as the Cerebrospinal fluid through the Spinal column and brain, initially in Golden Infinity Symbols and then through the shape of the Ankh as it energetically connects into the Pineal, Pituitary, Hypothalamus and Thalamus Glands respectively.As the Crystal Palace activates and releases its related hormones, and the chemistry and electromagnetic energy within our brain changes, we rapidly blink our eyes for several minutes and tap our shoulders with our arms crossed to re-align and retune. This assists to release old emotions from within the body as we expand beyond the old and into the new through feeling all the emotions we wish to feel as our Beloved I Am Presence. The consciousness of the cells further expresses through the Plasma Light fields, Unity Grids and Crystalline Grids as we experience the Intergalactic Plasma Waves on an atomic quantum level and change the atomic structure of our bodies from carbon based into the less dense compound of silicate, and from here into Crystalline Consciousness. We are then invited into the Ascension Seats within Shamballa to experience beautiful seven ESP attunements utilizing the Liquid Light Plasma of particular Ray frequencies of sound and color and light.These ESP Attunements are:The Gift of IntuitionThe Gift of TelepathyThe Gift of ClairsentienceThe Gift of ClairaudienceThe Gift of ClairvoyanceThe Gift of ManifestationandThe Gift of Illumination. Lastly, we experience a Divine Mary Magdalene Golden Flower of Life Activation as we travel the timelines of our highest potential, traveling primarily through the Golden Age timelines of ancient Egypt, Atlantis and Lemuria, as the priests and priestesses, healers, guides and the Flames of Divinity we are. Come and Join us Beloved Hearts in this powerful live Zoom Video Masterclass of Higher Heart and Higher Mind Synchronization and ESP Gifts Expansion, filled with Light encoded Activation's, Attunements and Invocations. Benefits Include: • Increased ESP gifts coming online• Left and Right Hemispheres of the Brain re-calibrating with new neural pathways activating• Kundalini activation and chakra clearing• Increased flow of the cerebrospinal fluid and feel-good emotions• Simply Be-ing in the flow and allowing for all that is Soul aligned• Understanding higher perspectives through the Wisdom of the Higher Mind• Releasing and letting go of old thoughts, feelings and false beliefs• Heart Expansions• Increased Intelligence• Higher Light Embodiment• Light Body activation • Increased ESP gifts coming online• Left and Right Hemispheres of the Brain re-calibrating with new neural pathways activating• Kundalini activation and chakra clearing• Increased flow of the cerebrospinal fluid and feel-good emotions• Simply Be-ing in the flow and allowing for all that is Soul aligned• Understanding higher perspectives through the Wisdom of the Higher Mind• Releasing and letting go of old thoughts, feelings and false beliefs• Heart Expansions• Increased Intelligence• Higher Light Embodiment• Light Body activationWe look forward to having you join us.Video recording plus two Mp3 recordings will be available, with and without background music. LovinglyAnrita ... See MoreSee Less
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Purple ESP Amplifier Andara PendantRECEIVE YOUR OWN ANDARA PENDANT OR STONEThe Andara Crystals call us when we are ready. Each one holds a different multidimensional frequency and facet of Unity Consciousness. Some are Gatekeepers or Grid Keepers or Healing Beings, some assist in Galactic and/or Quantum Field Communication and yet others assist with Body Work, Chakra Clearing, Rebalancing or Healing and all amplify the qualities of New Earth from within.The Purple ESP Amplifier Andara Pendant holds an exquisite frequency, gentle and powerful, and assists us to move beyond the veils of illusion, activating the third eye and pineal, as well as crown chakra, pituatary and other glands, in addition to recalibrating the left and right hemispheres of the brain.Each Andara Crystal or Andara Pendant you receive is lovingly chosen for you and has been activated through natural sunlight and essential oil blends as well as being programmed through the Overlighting of many of the Illumined Beings of Light from On High.Learn More: newearthcreations.voicesofthelighttribe.com/product/p/3o6ng4w ... See MoreSee Less
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