Arcturian Stargate Series

The Arcturian Stargate Series and Unity Grid of Light Transmissions

The Arcturian Emissaries of the Light call this the Stargate series, or journey through the stargates and gateways of Light, as they assist in building the Light Body, the I Am Avatar blueprint and activating the twelve strand DNA through the crystalline grid and the stargates within and around the Planetary Christ Consciousness grid that link us in Cosmic Consciousness into the higher dimensions. While there is a focus through each transmission on the Planetary Unity Grid, this crystalline grid of Light holding the highest potential of all Life on this Earth plane, as you work both individually and collectively through the Planetary Christ Consciousness grid, you get the opportunity to travel in Soul Consciousness through the stargates around this grid of Light into the higher dimensions, primarily the fourth to the ninth dimensions respectively. At each dimensional level, you focus on activating the axiatonal lines related to these dimensional frequencies and through this the dormant DNA. The axiatonal lines are found within the body, and around and within the related Christ Consciousness/Unity Grid at each dimensional level, connecting all Life to particular sound and color frequencies that awakens the dormant DNA and takes us further into Unity Consciousness. The axiatonal lines create a weaving of Light around each organ and body part in our bodies and this corresponding frequency is found within the related planets and/or stars at each dimensional level. So, by activating the axiatonal lines within the body through the dimensional stargates of Light, we activate the full twelve strand DNA as well as experience all aspects of our multidimensional Selves. Put another way, as Star Beings of Light, these axiatonal lines are needing to be activated to experience ourselves fully as these Master Beings of Light and co-creators to the Company of Heaven through the dimensional frequencies relative to our multidimensional Selves at each dimensional level and further to this, assist in the patterning of the collective planetary vibration on this Earth plane.

As the axiatonal lines, DNA strands and related codes are activated at each dimensional level, this gets to be available to other Light workers as you activate these codes within the Christ Consciousness grid of Light, as well as assist in raising the vibration of the earth plane through the related Cosmic rays.

Stargate One

In this transmission by the Arturians, you focus primarily on the Planetary Christ Consciousness grid of Light as you link to other Light Workers on this Unity grid. You assist in a deeper activation of the twelve earth chakras through the twelve related sacred sites, and feel this activation of the twelve chakras within your own body and energy field too. Following this, you activate the axiatonal lines of Mother Earth through the leylineswithin and around this Planetary grid of Light, as well as within your own body through spin points of sound and color frequencies, found along the meridian lines.

You are placed in a Sonic Emissions Chamber of Light and a Recalibration Chamber of Light by the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light. The Sonic Emissions Chamber of Light will link you through sound frequencies into experiencing refined Light transmissions and downloads, and the Recalibration Chamber of Light will assist in a better balance of the lower bodies through all the ascension symptoms being experienced. The Recalibration Chamber of Light further assists in the clearing of the DNA to allow for the reactivation of the first two strand DNA. In addition to this, you focus on linking into the Christ Consciousness grid through the twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness, surrounding this Earth plane and all Life on this Earth plane in a vibrant gold flame of Planetary Christ Consciousness.

Stargate Two

In this stargate series, you are taken through the fourth dimensional stargate into the energy of the Sun, Overlighted by Helios and Vesta, the Solar Logii. Prior to this, you link into the Planetary Christ Consciousness grid of Light, where you are again placed being in a Sonic Emissions Chamber of Light, this time clearing your consciousness of the lower thought forms and feelings that accumulate around the earth plane on an astral level. Following this, you activate the shape of the cube around your body as it relates to the fourth dimension of Solar Christ Consciousness and the thirteenth ray of Solar Christ Consciousness. You then travel through this fourth dimensional stargate activating the Solar axiatonal lines connecting through this fourth dimensional grid of Light and the related grid within your body and energy field. With the energy of this thirteenth ray bringing through an amplified frequency of Love-Wisdom through the energy of the Sun, you merge with the Beings of Light along this fourth dimensional Solar grid as well as your multidimensional Selves at this dimensional level. You further activate the DNA related to strands three and four holding a focus of Love. Coming back to the Planetary Christ Consciousness grid, you download the codes of Light experienced on this fourth dimension through a beautiful copper-gold flame of Love.

Stargate Three

In this stargate series, you activate the stargate related to the fifth dimension taking you into Alcyone, holding the heart chakra energy and magnetic and electromagnetic grid of Light through the Interstellar axiatonal lines. Prior to heading through this stargate, you link into the Planetary Christ Consciousness grid and the Light workers along this grid through the frequency of Love, and create the shape of the octahedron around your body and within your energy field.

You travel through this fifth dimensional stargate and connect initially to the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light. You then find yourself on this Interstellar grid of Light, activating the fifth dimensional axiatonal lines within your body and energy field through this grid as you connect to the Beings of Light assisting at this dimensional level as well as merging with your multidimensional Selves. You also get an opportunity at this dimensional level through the photon rays of Light to transmute earthly ego allurements and cosmic karmic patterns.

There is a focus on the fourteenth ray of Interstellar Christ Consciousness at this dimensional level, with the primarily quality of illumination being activated through DNA strands five and six. Further to this, the gift of intuition is amplified at this dimensional level allowing you to move forward in grace and harmony with a deep knowing of your Life service and purpose. As you activate these related strands, you are able to bring this fifth dimensional frequency into the body through the energy of this ray, as well as place the activated codes within the Planetary Christ Consciousness grid.

Stargate Four

In this stargate series, you activate the stargate related to the sixth dimension taking you into the etheric of Sirius Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light. Prior to heading through this stargate, you link into the Planetary Christ Consciousness grid and the Light workers along this grid through the frequency of Love, and create the shape of the star tetrahedron around your body and within your energy field. This sacred geometric shape not only relates to this dimensional frequency, but is the shape found within the original Divine eight-cell blueprint and within each cell of the body, and further to this, the shape used to activate your Light Body. As you head through this stargate, you activate the Galactic axiatonal lines and connect to the Beings of Light at this dimensional level holding a focus of Service work for this quadrant of the Galaxy as well as the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light. You are placed in a Metatron Activated Chamber of Light. This Chamber of Light will spin the electron-positron pairs within your body at an increased frequency of Light relative to your level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness, which will greatly assist in an increased consciousness awareness of your Service work. This Chamber of Light will further stabilize your Light Body to the full harmonic frequencies of the sixth dimension. You further merge with your Higher Self of the Light and Christed Overself of the Light to create the frequencies necessary to activate your Light Body/Merkaba. The gift of telepathy is amplified at this dimensional level, and as DNA strands seven and eight are activated at this dimensional level, you experience a deeper telepathic connection to all Life. As you bring these activated codes back into the Christ Consciousness grid, you further work with activating the fifteenth ray of Galactic Christ Consciousness in a beautiful silver-gold flame of Light within and around the Planetary Christ Consciousness grid.

Stargate Five

Through this stargate series you are taken you into the seventh dimension and the sixteenth ray of Intergalactic Christ Consciousness, as well as being lifted into the frequency of Metatronic Consciousness. Lord Metatron, the creator of the super-electron Overlights you along with the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light at this dimensional level as you travel through this stargate into the seventh dimension. You build the sacred geometry of the icosahedron at it relates to this dimensional level and further activate the intergalactic axiatonal lines within and around your body, merging with your multidimensional Selves at this dimensional level as well as the Beings of Light working along this Intergalactic Christ Consciousness grid of Light. In addition to this, you potentially activate DNA strands nine and ten. You focus on the quality of expansiveness as you are placed in a Metatronic Chamber of Light, receiving downloads and packets of Light information through the super-electron pulsating in Light waves of Metatronic Consciousness. Your hologram and energy body are remodulated with the most appropriate Light packets of information relative to your Service work on the lower worlds, sister dimensions and alternative realities and as this occurs, you shift much deeper into the fourth level of Cosmic Christ Consciousness. You further activate the codes relating to the gifts of clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairvoyance. As you come back to the Planetary Christ Consciousness grid, you surround it in a beautiful golden flame bringing the encodings of Light potentially activated through your DNA at a seventh dimensional level into this Unity grid of Light.

Stargate Six

Through this stargate series you are taken you into the eighth dimension and the seventeenth ray of Universal Christ Consciousness. As you initially focus on the Planetary Christ Consciousness grid, you activate the colors and primary quality to each of the Cosmic rays. You focus on the primarily qualities of manifestation, illumination, sacred sexuality, expansiveness and insightfulness through the Overlighting of the appropriate Co-Creative Ray Councils of Twelve as you integrate these qualities and allow these Cosmic ray frequencies to be available for all Life on this Earth plane. You build the sacred geometry of the dodecahedron as you travel into Universal Christ Consciousness through the Orion stargate, Overlighted by the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light and Lord Melchizedek. You activate the Universal axiatonal lines as you connect into the Universal grid of Light and the Beings of Light along this grid of Light. As you merge with your multidimensional Selves at this dimensional level, you have the ability to activate the full twelve strand DNA. You are further placed in a Noise Light Emissions Chamber of Light, which assists in the creation of your perfected etheric electronic body of Light through the axiatonal lines. For the axiatonal lines, through the appropriate geometries of color and sound, are able to bring about the necessary noise light emissions, as they are called, to cure dis-eases such as cancer, arthritis, blindness and many other illnesses. This occurs through the spin points, which spins the cells at a faster rate, creating light micro-fibrils. This is one of the advanced Ascended Master skills and through the activation of the axiatonal lines at each dimensional level and the activation of the 12 Strand DNA in particular at this dimensional level, one of the gifts to potentially be experienced. As you come back to the Planetary Christ Consciousness grid, you download these eighth dimensional Light codes within this grid of Light.

Stargate Seven

In this final stargate series, you travel to the ninth dimension of Melchizedek Consciousness, a vibration beyond Christ Consciousness, into the Cosmic Heart of Mother Father God. To assist you to stabilize your frequency at this dimensional level, you stop at each dimensional level from the fourth to the eighth dimensions respectively, linking into the appropriate multidimensional Christ Consciousness grid as well as merging again with your multidimensional Selves at each dimension. You build the sacred geometry of the Flower of Life and travel through the Omega-Orion stargate portal into experiencing the Heart and Mind of Mother/Father God. You activate the ninth dimensional axiatonal lines through the body as you are placed in a 12 Strand DNA Activation Chamber of Light. As the DNA is recalibrated and activated to the maximum Cosmic Law will allow, you further merge with your ninth dimensional Selves as well as your Christed Overself of the Light, your Beloved I Am Presence. You then merge with Mother/Father God and all Life through this ninth dimensional grid of Light as you focus on integrating the primary quality of the eighteenth ray of Melchizedek Consciousness, that of “transcendence”. You are invited into different “mansions” within “Nirvana” and also get an opportunity, should you so choose, to meet again with those you know that have passed over and that you would like to reconnect.

As you come back to the Planetary Christ Consciousness grid, you surround the earth and all Life in this diamond flame of Light of Melchizedek Consciousness, linking all Life into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, within the Cosmic Law of Free Will.

At this point you are fine-tuning your etheric electronic body of Light, also known as your Light Body, to become an extension of the Planetary Christ Consciousness grid through the axiatonal lines around and within the Earth plane, reflecting the exact sacred geometry and harmonic resonance found within the Christ Consciousness grid.

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