Galactic Stargate of the Heart Online Course

Galactic Stargate of the Heart Online Course

PLUS Free Masterclass – The Pleiadian Re-Union of Hearts Attunement

Hosted by Anrita Melchizedek

Special Offer Price $144

Usually $333

Beloved hearts,

You are invited to join us in these Galactic High Vibe New Earth Frequency Attunements and Activations. The Galactic Stargate of the Heart Attunements are New Earth Templates, presented as a series of eight beautiful attunements and activations, and experienced as vortices of energy wave spectrum frequencies that connect into and through your loving heart in the form of light codes, sacred geometry, sound and color frequencies. Additionally, these light encoded Stargate of the Heart Attunements take you deeper into zero point, the infinite, ever-present Now continuum of Divine Love by expanding the dimensional doorway of your loving heart to the higher dimensions through the Overlighting of the Christed ET’s and your Beloved I Am Presence. Amplified through scalar energy, photonic light and crystalline plasma light waves, these templates are tangibly experienced by the more empathic and sensitive soul. Healing and frequency remodulation takes place through the lower bodies, at a cellular level and on all levels of your being as you become both a transmitter and receiver of the New Earth Templates through your multidimensional selves and Beloved I Am Presence.

In these beautiful attunements you work with eight light encoded Galactic Sacred Geometry Templates and corresponding Galactic Crystal Grid Templates, Overlighted by the Christed ET’s, in particular, the Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans and Arcturians – all of the Light.

You are further invited to create your own Crystal Grids, Galactic Overlighted Home Grids and Crystal Elixirs with the Galactic Crystal Grid Templates, to enhance the energy of your templates and deepen into cellular regenesis.

Through the Galactic Stargate of the Heart Attunements you are taken into the timelines of your Highest Potential and the merging of those parallel realities of yourselves in self-mastery, as you drop density, misaligned energies, false beliefs and judgments to bring in the new Crystalline and Christ Consciousness codes of the organic ascension timelines.

Each Galactic Sacred Geometry template further ignites through each chakra and into the original Divine eight-cell blueprint within the perineum center and this geometry is expressed visually in each template, starting from the Seed of Life, often portrayed through the Flower of Life and/or the Fruit of Life.

Additionally you take these beautiful Galactic Stargate of the Heart Light codes into the Unity Grid of Divine Love, this grid of Divine Love within and around you holding the New Earth Templates, making these Light codes available to the I Am Avatar Collective, the Beloved I Am Presence of all awakening and awakened Souls.

These Galactic Stargate of the Heart Attunements are the:

Pleiadian Karmic Clearing & Forgiveness Attunement

Sirian Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Attunement

Andromedan ESP Attunement

Arcturian Healing Chambers Attunement

Pleiadian Re-Union of Hearts Attunement

Sirian I Am Avatar Soul Embodiment Attunement

Andromedan Heart’s Dreaming and Manifestation Attunement


Arcturian Diamond Light Body Attunement

Each attunement is done in the form of an invocation following an initial introduction. Each attunement is approximately 22-30 minutes plus additionally you will experience a light encoded transmission.

Galactic Stargate of the Heart Attunements Includes:

8 Course Modules (Approx. 60 minutes each)

Light Encoded Invocations and Galactic Sacred Geometry Templates

Corresponding Galactic Crystal Grid Templates

Videos and Mp3 downloads with and without background music

8 beautiful PDF workbooks A4 and Letter Size

A2 Galactic Crystal Grid and Galactic Sacred Geometry Posters

A set of Galactic Sacred Geometry Coasters

2 x Additional Masterclass Sessions with Q&A

Bonus Item – 3 x 2 hour Masterclass transmissions with Anrita Melchizedek


The Pleiadian Re-Union of Hearts Attunement

In this Pleiadian Re-Union of Hearts Attunement, you rebalance your inner Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Spirits as well as release false beliefs and judgments related to men and women. You further work on releasing any issues of unworthiness, fear of intimacy, or lack of self-love as you deepen into intimacy and appreciation of yourself and your body. Following this, you call upon and merge with your Soul Family and Twin Flame energetically.

Additionally, you will receive a beautiful Light encoded sacred geometry template, letter size/A4 and poster size (A2) to create your own Pleiadian Re-Union of Hearts Galactic Crystal Grid.

Anrita will also show you how to work with your Galactic Crystal Grid and Home Grids, how to make your own Galactic Crystal Alchemy Elixirs and Sprays and you will further experience some beautiful invocations to anchor these Galactic Crystal Grid energies.


Flow from within the organic New Earth Templates and the Heart of Divine Love

Merge with your Beloved I Am Presence, your Multidimensional Selves and Christed ET Selves

Bring online your amazing ESP gifts such as telepathy, clairvoyance and clairaudience

Activate your Light Body/Merkaba Field

Work with your own inner Galactic and Healing Teams

Release of old false beliefs and judgments, victim/persecutor consciousness, disillusionment and separation

Move into the timelines of self-mastery as an Initiate of Light

Experience the Witnessing Presence of the Beloved I Am and a greater flow and depth of all emotions

Experience the ability to read the energy of others more clearly

Deepen into the void of no-time, no space through the Stargate of the Loving Heart as linear time dissolves into a more multidimensional time frame of simply being in the Now.

Merge into the timelines of your Highest Potential

Activate the dormant DNA

Increase your Divine alignment for the next level of your Soul’s blossoming and Light

Expand your creative gifts with a greater color spectrum visibility

Increase your ability to manifest and magnetize all that we need in any given moment

Deepen into the Passion of Your Loving Heart

Deepen your connection to the Crystal Deva’s as you create your Galactic Crystal Grids

Feel and sense the flow and activation of all the New Earth templates, sacred geometries, fractal geometries, sound and color frequencies





The Pleiadian Karmic Clearing & Forgiveness Attunement

Forgiveness and Love

The Pleiadian Karmic Clearing & Forgiveness Attunement assists in releasing old karmic contracts that have created feelings of blame, resentment, and anger as well as victim and persecutor consciousness through forgiveness, insight, understanding and Love. When you can honor these pre-birth agreements, agreements made to experience the full range of human emotions, whilst simultaneously clearing the karma of humanity, you accelerate your Soul’s Forward Evolution. Know too that these karmic contracts are made in Love at a Soul level. When you are able to acknowledge each perceived challenge as an initiation of Light, and when you can recognize the value of each unique experience, you are able to release and let go of attachment to each unique experience as well as deepen into the Stargate of the Loving Heart. Furthermore, in seeing the value that each unique experience brings to you, assists you in embracing and integrating the sub-personality aspects of yourself needing to experience your Love.


Sirian Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Attunement

Self Mastery and Light Codes of Creation

Our unique DNA contains encoded information relating to both our physical and spiritual lineage. It is the blueprint of our life purpose taking us into self-mastery, as well as containing our physical genetic make-up. Our so-called “junk” DNA contains the codes of creation and the Patterns of Perfection that will assist us to bring through every aspect of our multidimensional Selves as we deepen into Soul embodiment, becoming our Beloved I Am Presence upon this sacred earth.

Our Stargate of the Loving Heart is also a portal of Light, and through the Diamond Light Codes of Creation that pour forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, our DNA acts as a transmitter as well as receiver; in other words, the DNA itself is activated through the Loving Heart as well as becoming these portals of Divine Light through the Diamond Light codes of Creation. Furthermore, portals have the ability to receive information from outside of our time and space, and this information is transmitted in the form of light particles to the DNA. However, the DNA itself has the ability to transmit information in the form of light particles multidimensionally – and this further connects us to each atom and molecule within our Multi-Universe, assisting us in the activation of not only our DNA but the DNA of all humanity on this sacred earth.

We primary work with the Diamond Flame of Mother/Father God in this activation and attunement. The Diamond Flame is a Flame of Purity and Innocence, with sparkling, iridescent colors, frequencies and Light codes of this Golden Age of Light. It spirals forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, the Great Central Sun, into our Galaxy, and Solar System, and onto this sacred earth as well as other planets within this solar system and galaxy. The Diamond Flame is also called the Flame of Innocence and Purity, as it brings in the energy of your Beloved I Am Presence, the highest Light that you are within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.


Andromedan ESP Attunements

Extrasensory Perception Gifts

The Andromedan Extra Sensory Perception Gifts Attunements amplifies our natural gifts of seeing and knowing and hearing the Light of God upon this sacred earth. Primarily in this attunement, we work with the rays of creation as they spiral forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God into this solar system, and into Shamballa, the Spiritual Headquarters of this sacred earth. From here, theses Light rays spiral into the Unity Grid of Divine Love, into Mother Earth’s leylines, vortices, sacred sites and chakras and from here, into our chakras and Loving Heart.


Arcturian Healing Chambers Attunement

Physical and Energetic Healing

The Arcturian Emissaries of the Light are higher dimensional Light Beings, advanced healing technicians and master healers, who have gifted us with many wonderful Spiritual tools and techniques, and now offer us the Arcturian Healing Chambers AttunementsThese Healing Chambers are multidimensional multicolored energetic rectangular grids that activate around the body and energy field filled with Light encoded healing frequencies. These Healing Chambers are working directly on the body parts and organs as well as energetically through the etheric, emotional and mental bodies.


Pleiadian Re-Union of Hearts Attunement

Soul Family and Twin Flame Re-Union

In this Pleiadian Re-Union of Hearts Attunement, you rebalance your inner Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Spirits as well as release false beliefs and judgments related to men and women. You further work on releasing any issues of unworthiness, fear of intimacy, or lack of self-love as you deepen into intimacy and appreciation of yourself and your body. Following this, you call upon and merge with your Soul Family and Twin Flame energetically.


Sirian I Am Avatar Soul Embodiment Attunement

Crystalline Consciousness

The process of Soul embodiment is becoming your Soul Light upon this sacred earth. This is the ascension process that we are all experiencing in this Golden Age of Light walking the Path of Divine Love. In this beautiful Soul embodiment attunement, you experience the alignment and integration of your Higher Selves, Multidimensional Selves and Beloved I Am Presence as an Initiate of Light, working with the Rays of Creation. These Light Rays spiral forth from Shamballa, the Spiritual Headquarters of this sacred earth, and as you deepen into the path of initiation, you are taken through seven initiations, which occurs on the inner planes and over time, will assist you to step deeper into self-mastery.


Andromedan Heart’s Dreaming and Manifestation Attunement

Passion and Purpose

In this beautiful Andromedan Heart’s Dreaming and Manifestation Attunement, you deepen into your heart’s dreaming and ability to magnetize and manifest all that you need in any given Now moment, whilst clearing any false beliefs and judgments you may have around any lack of support, lack of abundance or lack of purpose.


Arcturian Diamond Light Body Attunement

Patterns of Perfection

In the Arcturian Diamond Light Body Attunement, you increase the Crystalline Light frequency of the body and energy field through the diamond light codes working with seven interdimensional portals, from the third to the ninth dimensions respectively. These higher dimensional vortices are connected to the Unity Grid of Divine Love, the matrix of unity consciousness within and around you, which we also call the New Earth Templates.

Additionally, you experience particular sacred geometries, numerologies, colors and Galactic Light codes that assist you to deepen into the Stargate of the Loving Heart through the creation of a toroidal field of Light at each dimensional level, which emanates from and pours into the Stargate of Your Loving Heart. This assists in raising your vibration as you download the ascension codes of each dimension, and with this, deepen into Cosmic Christ Consciousness.

At the ninth dimensional level, you activate the Diamond Light Body, which appears as a diamond sphere of Light 54 feet in diameter around you, and links you into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. The Diamond Light Body, when fully activated, is also your Merkaba field of Light.

The Diamond Flame holds the purest frequency of the New Earth Templates and combines all color frequency spectrums of the One Heart. It is also called the Flame of Innocence and Purity, as it brings forth the energy of your Beloved I Am Presence, the highest Light that you are within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

Each module is presented as a video, approx. 60 minutes in length PLUS Mp3 downloads of each module as well as the Light encoded attunements. Additionally, you will receive 8 beautiful attunement workbooks to deepen your integration of these Galactic Light encoded frequencies.


You will further be shown how to create your Galactic Crystal Grids, Galactic Home Grids, and Crystal Elixirs. You will receive 8 Galactic Crystal Grid Temples in letter size/A4 and poster size (A2) for you to print out and work with within your sacred space. You can also add the beautiful labels for the Alchemy Elixirs to your package as an add-on, should you wish to create your own essences and sprays.

Additionally, you will receive 8 coaster templates, which can be used as coasters to charge your food and drinks or use therapeutically.

Special Offer Price $144
