These Mystery School teachings, offered as eleven beautiful transmissions, each 90-120 minutes in length, take you ever deeper into the remembrance of yourselves as Initiates of Light in service to Mother Earth and all her Life.

As timeless teachings, they are presented in the form of invocations, affirmations and guided visualizations with energetically encoded frequencies, Overlighted by the Order of Melchizedek as well as many of the Illumined Beings of Light from On High such as the Archangels, Mighty Elohim and Christed Extra-terrestrials.

Each Mp3 download comes with and without background music, and in some cases, transcribes are further provided.

Initiation into the Universal Brotherhood ~ Unlocking our Divine Blueprints

Join Anrita in this beautiful masterclass as we are taken ever deeper into our loving hearts in the knowing that we are the Flames of Divinity and Initiates of Light creating and affecting change for all life upon this sacred earth.

You are invited to join us in this powerful transmission of Light as we travel in Soul consciousness to the Great White Lodge in the etheric of Sirius and experience an initiation into the Universal Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the Light through the Overlighting of the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light.

The Universal Brotherhood/Sisterhood assist on the inner planes in the upliftment of the consciousness of all Life on this sacred earth and we are invited as the Light workers, wayshowers and adapts to experience a deeper sense of our service work in co-creation with these Illumined Beings of Light from On High.

Placed within a unique energetic Geometric Divine Blueprint Holographic Light Grid particular to our vibrational frequency, we unlock our Divine Blueprint to experience the activation of the Starseed Crystal Gene, and a deeper sense of joy, Oneness, abundance and Divinity within our own lives. The Starseed Crystal Gene activates a deeper sense of our Soul purpose in Divine Love, as well as the joy and abundance of being volunteer Souls to Mother Earth and all her Life. Additionally, the power of our Divine manifestations increases tenfold.

We are further given glimpses into parallel realities that we serve within in Divine Love, as we merge with our Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromedan, Arcturian, Lyrian and Venusian star seeded family. Additionally, we take on new Guides that will assist us in our service work and our heart’s dreaming, as we receive these higher wisdom transmissions and DNA activations.

From here, we enter into the Pyramid of Creation, existing etherically above Egypt. This pyramid of Light amplifies the Universal Brotherhood and Sisterhood teachings and aligns to the Galactic Core, Sirius and the Sun, taking us beyond duality, into the recognition of the value of each unfolding experience on this sacred earth.

Lastly, we enter the etheric Chamber of Light within the Great Pyramid holding the 48 symbols of immortality. We move beyond the fear of death and dying as these 48 symbols activate within the third eye, and from here, into each cell within our bodies. As we move beyond the veils of illusion, our Divine Blueprint ignites these immortal chromosomes, assisting initially through the rejuvenation and regeneration of the physical/energy bodies, and the knowing that we are Crystalline Consciousness, the embodiment of the Living Christ, able to able to experience the Resurrection Codes of the I AM Avatar Race.

This transmission is encoded with Light language frequency activations that further assist us to come into the knowing that we are all One; and the acceptance, appreciation, embrace and celebration of our full range of emotions as these sacred Flames of Divinity, as well as the ability to see through our Master eyes at all of Life around us. And so it is.

Initiation into the Order of Melchizedek ~ Traveling the Seven Mansions of God

Join us in the powerful Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek as we experience an Initiation into the Order of Melchizedek whilst traveling the Seven Mansions of God.

The Order of Melchizedek is the highest order of Spiritual teachings available to Humanity. Melchizedek, as a word or term, is all-inclusive in that it means “my Kingdom is of righteousness,” or “of the righteous,” hence those belonging to the “kingdom” are “God’s Spiritual Disciples.” It encompasses all universal, eclectic and Mystery School teachings that have ever been brought through to Humanity. The Order of Melchizedek encompasses every Ashram and Light center on our Earth plane bearing the Patterns of Perfection from the higher dimensions and the teachings of the Sons of Light. It is that aspect of Christ that works specifically with Beings of Light who are in service to the Earth and other planets and places throughout Creation.

The honor of being a Melchizedek Ambassador of Light to the Order of Melchizedek has never been passed to initiates in quite this way before. However, we are ascending en-masse for the first time in the history of our Earth, through our co-creation of Heaven on Earth and as such, we are able to complete all earthly initiations, whilst in physical embodiment upon this sacred earth.

In this masterclass, we ascend through the seven different heavens or mansions of God and activate a deeper level of knowing of choosing to serve as volunteer Souls on the lower worlds, and the understanding of how every challenge we experience is indeed an initiate of Light.

As we travel through the seven mansions of God, we are presented with a Cosmic Map of Initiatory Codes, while we experience ourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. We integrate the negative ego aspects and experience our full range of emotions and with humility, Love, reverence and devotion to God, we move beyond duality into One Unity Consciousness, into Christ Consciousness.

The seven mansions are:

Mansion of Devotion ~ loosening of attachments, and identification with ego consciousness ~ the need for guidance and protection

Mansion of Purification ~ facing our doubts and fears ~ experiencing our full range of emotions ~ separation, humility, self-awareness and re-union with the Soul ~understanding karmic patternings

Mansion of Sincerity ~ trusting and surrendering to the Divine ~ re-union with the Higher Self and Soul family

Mansion of Transformation ~ deepening of our Service work ~ increased levels of joy ~ connecting with the Ray Masters ~ understanding the rays ~ increasing our levels of Cosmic Consciousness awareness

Mansion of Holiness ~ re-union with our Beloved I Am Presence and our star families of the Light ~ connecting to the Galactic Federation of the Light ~ experiencing the Crystalline Solar Body of Light

Mansion of Sanctification ~ death and rebirth ~ the Ascension process ~ understanding our challenges are our greatest initiations of Light ~ the knowing of ourselves as sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love

Mansion of Christ Consciousness ~ Oneness with all Life ~ the Center of Creation and Divine Love in this new Golden Age of Light

As we experience the Mansion of Christ Consciousness, we will be re-initiated into the Order of Melchizedek, further activating the Light Body/Merkaba within the cold flames of the Flower of Life as we experience the Higher Mind teachings through the mind of God.

We are building the Temples of Light on the outer planes as we come together in One Unity Consciousness and Divine Love. The teachings of Melchizedek, the Temple teachings of Light are now being made available to all initiates of Light, and we are ready to experience Self Mastery. The time is Now to create these outer Temples of Light and deepen into the next level of world service. And so it is.

Initiations of the Rose 

Join Anrita and the Elders in this beautiful transmission of Light as we enter into

Mother Mary’s Temple of the Immaculate Heart and deepen our journey along the path of the Rose into the Divine Feminine through the Initiations of the Rose.

As we activate the Grail Codes of the Sacred Rose of Christ Consciousness, we merge with the Goddess archetypes thru the Overlighting of the Sisterhood of the Rose.

Mary Mother steps forward with the archetypal energy of the Mother/Queen (Father/King) archetype activating the Red Rose of Love and Beauty and Passion within our Christed Hearts.

Lady Isis steps forward with the archetypal energy of the High Priestess (Priest), activating the Pink Rose of Appreciation and Gratitude.

Mary Magdalene steps forward with the archetypal energy of the Wise Woman/Sage, activating the White Rose of Purity and Innocence.

Lady Venus steps forward with the archetypal energy of the Lover, activating the Orange Rose of Desire and Enthusiasm.

Lady Hathor steps forward with the archetypal energy of the Magical Muse, activating the Yellow Rose of Delight and Joy and New Beginnings.

Lady Portia steps forward with the archetypal energy of the Warrioress (Warrior), activating the Pink-Coral Rose of Peace.

And lastly, Lady Quan Yin steps forward with the archetypal energy of the Natural Healer, activating the Lavender Rose of the Healing Energies of Creation.

As we purify our lower mind as these open hearts and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, we release the vestiges of any perceived level of separation or blame unforgiveness or judgment within our hearts, embracing the Pathway of Divine Love, the Path of the Rose.

Through a series of Light transmissions, invocations and affirmations, we experience a renewed balance between our Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits, embracing and integrating all aspects of ourselves within our Christed Hearts, within the Sacred Rose of Christ Consciousness. And so it is!

The High Priesthood Training ~ Plus eBook

Precious hearts, if you are drawn to work through your Beloved I Am Presence as an initiate of Light, and wish to experience a more consciousness understanding of ancient Egyptian and Atlantean Mystery School Priesthood teachings through the Halls of Amenti then this telewebinar is for you.

The High Priesthood Training takes us into a deeper understanding of the Qabala, sacred geometry, rays, and initiations, and is Overlighted by the Order of Melchizedek, who brings through these ancient and universal teachings of Light, adapted from the Temple teachings in ancient Egypt and Atlantis. These teachings awaken the remembrance of initiations of Self Mastery in parallel realities, as the dormant DNA is activated, and the immortal etheric chromosomes are potentially activated.

We experience four initiations in this telewebinar, undertaken in Soul consciousness through the Halls of Amenti, brings a deeper actualization of our I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light as we build our multidimensional bodies of Light. Additionally, we bring a unified focus of Service in Love to the Divine through Self Mastery skills. Accessing the Halls of Amenti has only been available to initiates of Light since June 2001 and many Light workers and starseeded ones are now ready to receive the wisdom teachings available through this time space continuum outside of our time space.

The Halls of Amenti were built by 32 Children of Light after the original Fall from Grace, with the assistance of the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light. This curved time space found near the center of our hollow Earth beneath the Bermuda Triangle was furthermore the location of Atlantis. These Children of Light warped space and as they bound it to Earth, formed the Halls of Amenti. It was further divided into nine smaller spaces, and within each exists a Cosmic Consciousness directly related to the nine dimensional levels available to Humanity. The multidimensional bodies of Light we build as you undergo the training to the Priesthood are directly related to these dimensions, these pockets of space found in the Halls of Amenti. These multidimensional bodies of Light are our Planetary, Solar, Interstellar, Galactic, Intergalactic, Universal and Multi-Universal bodies respectively, and lifts us in Cosmic Consciousness awareness into the Kingdom of Mother/Father God and the realms of Illumined Truth.

This telewebinar training includes higher chakra anchorings, creating the appropriate axiatonal alignments, Christed energy fields and sacred geometries around the body as they relate to the rays through Jacob’s Ladder and the Halls of Amenti, while offering advanced Ascended Master skills such as telepathy, advanced healing techniques, transfiguration, manifestation of creative thought, reading of the Akashic Records, the potential activation of the immortal chromosomes and much more.

This information was channeled through Star Councils and the Order of Melchizedek, based upon teachings from The Melchizedek Ambassadors Training Program (The MAT Program). This training will take you through the Left Eye of Horus, and the balancing of the emotional body through Divine Love, into the Right Eye of Horus, the higher mind teachings of wisdom and Light.

These teachings are available to all seekers of the Light, and as we come into a deeper remembrance of self-mastery, the remembrance of these Mystery School teachings activate at a deeper level through the knowing of ourselves as sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love and Master Beings of Light.

The recording links include the original eBook on the High Priesthood Training, as well as the eBook on “The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean”, which influenced the High Priesthood Training, and is also a rather interesting book.

The Key of Solomon ~ Activation of the Holy Pentacles and the Arc of the Covenant

Join Anrita in this telewebinar transmission as we experience a deeper sense of our ability to manifest our hearts dreaming through ceremonial magic and travel in Soul consciousness into the Arc of the Covenant.

In this transmission, as initiates of Light, we are invited to experience the activation of the Holy Pentacles through the Key of Solomon consecrated to Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon respectively, Overlighted by the Order of Melchizedek.

As we travel to the inner plane Ashram of Melchizedek in the kingdoms of Light within Orion, we will enter into a ceremonial circle, move through the spheres in the Tree of Life and experience an activation of these Holy Pentacles through the energy of the related planets, the Moon and the Sun.

We will activate the seven pentacles associated with Saturn as we experience a deeper sense of our own challenges in this Now. We will create a magical circle of invocations and affirmations to honor the wisdom within, and the understanding of our life lessons through the karmic timelines.

Through the seven pentacles associated with Jupiter, we will create a deeper level of abundance and expansion through the understanding of synchronicity and knowing, and our ability to trust and surrender to the Divine.

Through the seven pentacles associated with Mars, as Spiritual warriors of Light, we come into a deeper level of empowerment through the understanding of ourselves as these truly courageous Souls leading the way in this Golden Age of Light.

Through the seven pentacles associated with the Sun, we come into a deeper level of merging with our Beloved I Am Presence and connecting to the Councils of Light taking us deeper into our hearts dreaming through the Christed Timelines.

Through the five pentacles associated with Venus, we will experience a magical invocation to attract Soul mates into our lives, and a deeper understanding of our god/goddess nature.

Through the five pentacles associated with Mercury, we experience a deeper sense of the utterance of our Spiritual realities through the ability to express ourselves lovingly and gently, to be heard and seen, as well as shift relationships of perceived conflict we may be experiencing at this time.

Through the six pentacles associated with the Moon, we move into the emotional body, healing, loving, clearing, transmuting and embracing all aspects of ourselves, with a deeper ability to love ourselves unconditionally in acceptance of ourselves, as we view life through our Master eyes.

We will end this transmission by connecting into the Group I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light, traveling in Soul Consciousness into the Arc of Covenant through the Temple Mount Stargate of Light. As we connect at a Soul level with the Light workers, starseeded ones and Beings of Light from On High, we will clear religious distortions, both on a personal level and planetary level, and experiencing a deeper sense of our connection to one another in Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness.

The Trinity Lords Shield of Light and the Inner Tree of Life

As we experience the pathway of Divine Love in this Golden Age of Light, we are embraced within the etheric Electronic Ring of Fire of Helios and Vesta, a shield of pure God essence. As we align to the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun, as well as deepen our connection to our Beloved I Am Presence and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, we are offered the gift of the Trinity Lords Shield of Light, a beautiful 12-pointed star with two infinity symbols embedded upon the star, one horizontal and one vertical. This Shield of Light initially activates through our inner Tree Life along the spinal column, imprinted through our chakras and the Overlighting of Lord Michael, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Archangelic Leagues of Light. Once fully actualized, it forms a spherical shield 54 feet in diameter around us, surrounding the diamond sphere, the Golden Fruit of Life and Metatron’s cube, which links us ninth dimensionally in the Cosmic Heart of God.

The Trinity Lords Shield of Light brings with it the atomic seeds of God consciousness, the bio-energetic matrix circuitry of the Crystalline Life-Code Seed Atoms, taking us deeper into the creative energy expression of the Tree of Life, whilst simultaneously mapping through the chakras, nadis and meridians our etheric, electronic Body of Light, our I Am Avatar Body of Light, and the knowing of the higher mind teachings of Golden Ages of Light.

As the Patterns of Perfection amplify through the Unity Grid of Divine Love, we travel in our Merkaba vehicles of Light into Helios and Vesta’s great Spiritual Sun Temple of Light, within the etheric Sun behind the physical Sun. Within this sacred Spiritual Sun Temple, we initially experience the sacred Cosmic Fire of Peace wrapped in these beautiful copper-gold and pink-gold flames of God’s Infinite Perfection.

As we deepen into our Christed Hearts, through the Overlighting of Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek, we then experience the Trinity Lords Shield of Light, which initially appears as a disc of Light. This anchors initially through the Soul Star Chakra approximately 15 centimeters above the crown chakra, and then through all the chakras, and into the Earth Star Chakra, anchoring the Crystalline Life-Code Seed Atoms, as well as rejuvenating and regenerating body parts and organs in the creation of the bio-energetic matrix circuitry of our I Am Avatar Bodies of Light and related geometries of Solar Crystalline Consciousness.

From here, the Trinity Lords of Light and the related Archangels take us through the Inner Tree of Life, our spinal column upon which the Tree of Life activates, as well as the balancing of our Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits through the flow of the kundalini energy in the creation of our etheric, electronic Bodies of Light.

As the Trinity Lords Shield of Light activates through the base chakra as a spinning disc of Light, we move into the sphere of the Kingdom (Malkuth) Overlighted by Archangel Sandalphon. Archangel Sandalphon, as the Angel of Prayer and Music, takes us deeper into the appreciation of each Now moment, and the nurturing of this sacred earth looking through our master eyes. We journey through the four directions; into the North, understanding karmic forces, into the East, understanding desire and emotional forces; in the South, we move into silence and forces of inertia and through the West, we experience perceived limitations and the knowing of our challenges as Initiations of Light. As we ground our heart’s dreaming and the ability to align deeper into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth regardless of what is going on around us, we move into the sacral chakra.

The Trinity Lords activate their Shield of Light through the sacral chakra as we move into the sphere of the Foundation (Yesod) and the Overlighting of Archangel Gabriel. Archangel Gabriel as a master communicator, assists us in retrieving messages from the unconscious mind and dream state, to deepen our faith and connection to Mother/Father God, whilst lifting the veils of illusion; not only in our service work but also with personal issues that may still be hidden within the unconscious mind. With the assistance of the Cherubim, and within this sphere of the Foundation, he invites us into the Akashic records, to unveil hidden knowledge, additionally amplifying our unique ESP gifts.

As the Trinity Lords Shield of Light activates through the solar plexus chakra, we experience the spheres of Victory (Netzach) and Splendor (Hod), through the Overlighting of Archangel Haniel and Archangel Michael (Lord Michael) respectively.

The Trinity Lords then activate their Shield of Light through the heart chakra, as we move into the sphere of Beauty (Tiphareth) through the Overlighting of Archangel Raphael, the Angel of Healing and Harmony.

As we experience the Trinity Lords Shield of Light through the throat chakra, we move into the spheres of Mercy (Chesed) and Strength (Geburah) through the Overlighting of Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Chamuel respectively.

We then enter into Strength (Geburah) a sphere of might, empowerment and peace.  Archangel Chamuel, as the Angel of Peaceful Relationships, strengthens our relationships so that we can experience peace within our lives through the strength and courage to release the old and make way for the new.

The Trinity Lords then activate their Shield of Light through the third eye chakra, as we move into the sphere of Hidden Knowledge (Daath) through the Overlighting of Archangel Ekenor, the Angel of Power. Ekenor assists us to reach our Highest Potential.

The Trinity Lords activate their Shield of Light through the crown chakra as we move into the spheres of Wisdom (Chokmah) and Understanding (Binah) Overlighted by Archangel Ratziel and Archangel Tzaphkiel respectively.

Through the sphere of Understanding (Binah) we connect to Archangel Tzaphkiel, an Angel of Compassionate Understanding. Archangel Tzaphiel assists us to truly release all that which no longer serves us, as we move from the karmic timelines deeper into the Christed Timelines.

Lastly we bring a focus back to the Soul Star chakra, 15 centimeters above the crown chakra, as we experience the reign of the Crown (Kether) and the Overlighting of Archangel Metatron, who stands for Divine Truth, Justice and Splendor.

As the serpent kundalini energy uncoils from the perineum and base chakra, and climbs the inner Tree of Life through the golden apples of immortality and Crystalline infuses Life-Code Seed Atoms of the Trinity Lords Shield of Light, we enter into a divine, holy sphere that is indescribable, filled with all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High, and the Divine Unconditional Love of Mother/Father God. We have crossed the Abyss and are now free from perceived third dimensional human miscreations. A sphere without polarity, we experience a deep sense of Unity Consciousness, as we walk through the gateways of Light, timeless, formless, and yet, with the ability to bring into form the manifesting co-creations of Heaven on Earth.  And so it is.

Come join us in this beautiful telewebinar transmission as we move deeper into the Initiations of Light and service in Love.

Ancient Egyptian Prosperity Attunements

Join Anrita in this beautiful transmission as we deeper into the Christed Petal of the Overflowing and Prosperous Heart in the Temple of Magnetism as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love and Melchizedek Initiates of Light.

In our ability to magnetize, manifest and bring into our reality all that we are needing in each Now moment, the Egyptian deities step forward with their unique energy signatures to ground our Soul purpose in joy, harmony, abundance, prosperity consciousness, co-creation and Divine Love as we walk the Pathway of Divine Love.

In these beautiful attunements of Light, as each Egyptian god or goddess steps forward, they offer to us symbolic representations of the codes of prosperity consciousness in the form of chi balls, which we activate through our chakras, and can further use on others to deepen their overflowing and prosperous hearts.

As we travel in Soul consciousness into the Temple of Magnetism, Maat steps forward with an ostrich feather embedded within a chi ball, anchoring this symbol through the chakras to deepen the flow of truth and justice, harmony and balance within our lives. With this new flow of energy, we release all areas of perceived injustices within our lives, as we activate the prosperity codes of harmony, truth and balance.

Hathor, the embodiment of the Divine Feminine, joy and fertility, steps forward with the symbol of a pair of horns embedded with a chi ball. Anchoring this symbol through the chakras, we come deeper into our heart’s joy. As we activate the prosperity codes of our heart’s passion, we release our false beliefs such as “I will never be able to make money through my passion” or “I do not deserve success”. We flow deeper into the abounding synchronicities within our everyday lives, and the golden opportunities presented to us through the wisdom and Love that we hold as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love in service to Mother Earth and all her Life.

Isis, the Divine Mother, the “Giver of Life”, “Goddess of Magic” and deity to the “Sisterhood of the Rose” steps forward with the symbol of the lotus embedded with a chi ball. As this symbol is anchored through the chakras, we step deeper into our own power of magnetization and manifestation, as we draw to us Soul brothers and sisters and soul mates that can support us and see us, appreciate us and Love us. Through these prosperity codes, we heal old karmic relationships, anger and grief, as we come into the knowing of our worthiness, immeasurable and incomparable to others.

Osiris, Son of Earth and Sky, and Beloved of Isis takes us deeper into self-empowerment and a new expression of our Soul note. Osiris steps forward with the symbol of the scepter, of power and might, embedded within a chi ball. As this symbol anchors into the chakras, we step deeper into alignment with the Divine, of trusting and surrendering to the universe, and into a greater flow of our intuition and discernment. We let go of the approval of others, and any areas in which we have compromised ourselves, or any areas of our live in which we have experienced power or control issues that have blocked these prosperity codes of abundance.

Ra, the god of the sun, and bringer of light, steps forward with the symbol of a solar disc embedded with a chi ball. As this symbol anchors and activates through the chakras, we are taken deeper into Solar Crystalline Consciousness, connecting to the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun. We release old fears as the sub-atomic particles spin in increased light frequencies. Through the Patterns of Perfection, we have the insight, knowing and understanding of our Soul purpose and how to achieve it through these prosperity codes of abundance in that perfect Now moment.

Thoth, the god of magic and wisdom, scribe of the heavens, and Master teacher, takes us deeper into the Akashic records, and into the Golden timelines of Light to access our many gifts that deepen our heart’s dreaming. He comes forward with the symbol of a golden quill pen embedded within a chi ball. As this symbol anchors and activates through the chakras and into the original Divine eight-cell blueprint, we come into a deeper knowing of our many creative gifts, and how we can utilize our gifts in service to Mother Earth and all her life, releasing any level of disillusionment, lack of insight or understanding as we walk the Pathway of Divine Love.

Lastly, Lord Melchizedek comes forward, and with the symbol of the ankh, takes us into an initiation into the Order of Melchizedek and a deeper sense of the knowing of our challenges are initiations of Light.

These transmissions will be done through light language frequency activations, visualizations, attunements, and invocations. We invite you to join us as we deepen the flow of Divine Love through our Overflowing and Prosperous Hearts, and the ability to use these beautiful attunements and prosperity consciousness codes on ourselves and others as we come together as One Unified Cosmic Heart.

Star Attunements of Cosmic Convergence

As we collectively experience the next level of our Soul’s Forward Evolution and the New Earth Templates, we are invited to experience the Trinity Lords Light Programs, attunements of Cosmic Convergence through particular Stargate activations and Metatronic Consciousness.

As part of the Universal Council of Twelve, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron and Lord Michael implement programs of Cosmic Consciousness awareness. This information is then distributed to the outer worlds of Light through Light shells of photons and anti-photons, sub-units of the super-electron. This Light Continuum within the Universal field allows for the interconnectivity of all levels of Cosmic Christ Consciousness through the oscillation of Cosmic rays in all directions through the various interdimensional wormholes. These encodings of Light are energetically matched to the different harmonic octaves of Star Systems and Galaxies within this quadrant of the Galaxy and sent through the appropriate frequency wormholes of Divine Love as potentially manifest thought forms.

In this transmission we are invited into the Temple of Service to experience the various levels of Cosmic Christ Consciousness, through the Overlighting of the Trinity Lords of Light, various Star Councils, and the appropriate frequency wormholes of Divine Love, Stargates of the Heart. This takes us deeper into the creative transmissions of the super-electron and the Cosmic Convergence of zero point, the ever-present Continuum as these multidimensional humans in Service in Love. These levels of Cosmic Christ Consciousness assist us in deeper levels of magnetization and manifestation in our Service work in joy, in Love, in abundance and in trust and surrender as we enter into the full flow of each Now moment. Additionally, through the various levels of Cosmic Christ Consciousness we attune to the harmonic octaves of each dimension experienced in the creation of our I Am Avatar Bodies of Lights, and the dynamic influence of all Light frequencies from On High.

Come join us in this beautiful transmission through the Overlighting of Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron and Lord Michael

Anchoring and activating the Light Rays of the 12 Mighty Elohim

In this Golden Age of Light, as our Sun became the Central Sun and Mother Earth, the Spiritual Sun for this Solar System, Helios and Vesta imbued us in the radiance of their Divine Causal Body of Light and the new Earth Templates through the Cosmic ray of Solar Service, a combination of all twelve rays with a focus on the second ray of Love-Wisdom.

In the initial creation of our Solar System, Helios and Vesta directed the Light rays of Absolute Consciousness into this Solar system to maintain the planets in a particular orbital position, and to sustain Life thereon. Upon passing this initiation, the Divine Blueprint and Immaculate Conception of our Solar System came into being with the assistance of the Silent Watchers, the Might Elohim, builders of form, and Nature Intelligence.

And now, as the Patterns of Perfection are again being re-experienced through the new Earth Templates, we are offered an opportunity to experience the highest wisdom of God as we assist the Mighty Elohim to anchor and activate their Temple Light Ray frequencies through the Unity Grid of Divine Love.

In essence, we are being given an opportunity through the Mighty Elohim to experience our full magnificence and Light as the Solar Christ Beings of Light in this Now and to activate the Elohimic Flames of Light so all Life may experience their Highest Potential as sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

We are invited into the Elohim’s Temple of Light Rays to be imbued with the ray frequencies and qualities of each of the 12 Mighty Elohim and to activate the Light ray frequencies within and around the Unity Grid of Divine Love.

The Flames are Light experienced through the Mighty Elohim are brought forth through:

Hercules and Amazonia ~ Dark Blue Flame ~ Activation of Power, Divine Will and Responsibility

Apollo and Lumina ~ Golden Yellow Flame ~ Wisdom, Illumination and contemplation

Heros and Amora ~ Pink Flame ~ The Cohesion of Divine Love

Purity and Astrea ~ Light Blue Flame ~ Purification

Cyclopea and Virginia ~ White Flame ~ The perception of Truth and Justice

Peace and Aloha ~Green Flame ~ The Power of Peace

Arcturus and Victoria ~ Violet Purple Flame ~ Freedom in creative expression of Self

Astriel and Aspira ~ Silver Flame ~ Divine Grace and a deeper understanding of our Service work

Regiel and Capella ~ Pink Gold Flame ~ Divine Attunement

Oriel and Divina ~ Silver Gold Flame ~ Beyond the Abyss ~ Timeline convergence

Persiel and Delfina ~ Platinum Flame ~ Manifestation and Magnetization

Matriel and Vegela ~ Diamond Flame ~ Activation of our Light Bodies

We end this transmission with a focus on World Peace, linking with the many Legions of Light, Light Workers and star seeded ones anchoring and activating the Flame of World Peace in this Golden Age of Light.

The Sirian Stargate of the Heart and the Golden Age Temples of Light

Join Anrita and the Elders in this beautiful telewebinar transmission of invocations and affirmations, as we experience the Sirian Stargate of the Heart and the Golden Age Temples of Light as we come together as One Unified Cosmic Heart.

We start by traveling in our activated Merkabas into the Sirian Living Library within the etheric of Sirius as it aligns with the Center of the Galaxy. As we merge with our Christed ET Selves, we access the Cosmic Living Library Codes and Universal Akashic Records from the Golden Age timelines of Lemuria, Atlantis and ancient Egypt in particular as these volunteer Souls to Mother Earth and all Life. As these Golden Age timelines merge into this Golden Age timeline in increased waves of Cosmic Christ Consciousness and Divine Love, this assists us to create and bring about huge changes within our own life in the knowing of our starseed contracts upon this sacred earth in timelines of Self Mastery.

As initiates of Light, we enter into the Sirian Temple of the Goddess. Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League of Light and the Order of Melchizedek, we attune to the Pink Sirian Seed Crystal within this Temple which activates the pink flame of unconditional, compassionate Love. We merge with our Sirian Christed ET Self as we dissolve and transmute emotional and etheric debris no longer needing to be experienced, particularly old emotional ties or misused or abused heart energy imprintings. The Sirian Temple of the Goddess embraces the Divine Masculine archetypal energy as it surrenders to the Divine Feminine archetype. Embracing, loving and appreciated our Divine Masculine Spirits and all they have done to defend us and protect us, while realizing this is no longer needing to be experienced as we walk the path of Love. In this rebalancing of our Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits, we ignite our Divine Feminine and Masculine Pillars into the Central Pillar of Equilibrium and Truth, and embrace of the full range of our emotions. Additionally we activate the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron within our Christed Hearts, and our Sword of Holy Truth through these energies of Divine Love.

We then enter into the Lemurian Temple of Dreaming. Overlighted by the Lemurian Elders, our Lemurian Multidimensional Selves who have experienced this timeline and the Order of Melchizedek. We attune to the Tangerine Dream Lemurian Seed Crystal within this Temple which activates Soul re-alignment as it aligns into the original Divine Blueprint.  This Temple has an accelerated energy pattern that offers profound change, taking us deeper into our heart’s dreaming and our heart’s passion. Additionally we connect into the Soul dreamtime of Crystalline Cities, Ashrams of Light and inner plane Schools of Learning as we activate the sacred geometry of the cube within our Christed Heart’s, and our Sword of Holy Truth.

We then enter into the Atlantean Diamond Crystal Temple of Multidimensional Interface, Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Order of Melchizedek, Thoth and the Atlantean Priesthood. As we deepen into the Diamond Light codes, activating at the deepest levels of our beingness the Divine Blueprint of Creation through the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, also known as Melchizedek Consciousness, we increase our Light Quotient and activate the Atlantean Star Ki codes of Unity and Truth through our original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint. From here,we enter into the Halls of Amenti. In particular, we enter into the Temple of the Cold Flaming Flower of Life,where we experience the personal living library of our Golden Age lifetimes and service work in Atlantis. Additionally, we activate the sacred geometry of the octahedron within our Christed Heart’s, and our Sword of Holy Truth.

From here we enter into the Egyptian Temple of Light and Darkness, Overlighted by the Sirian Archangel League of the Light, the High Priesthood and the Order of Melchizedek. Within the Temple of Light and Darkness, we merge with our Egyptian Multidimensional Selves as we attune to the Smoky Egyptian Seed Crystal, an effective karmic cleanser. We release the victim and persecutor consciousness in courage and compassion as we walk both the karmic and Christed Timelines; as we find the balance between Light and dark, touching the point of neutrality, letting go of judgment, and trusting and surrendering to the Divine.  This Temple takes us into courageously facing and embracing our shadow aspects, in the knowing that our challenges of Light are initiations of Light as we face our fears and embrace the change upon us in this Now.  Additionally, we activate the sacred geometry of the dodecahedron within our Christed Heart’s, and our Sword of Holy Truth.

Lastly, we enter back into the Temple of Truth, where every aspect of our Life is re-aligned to our Highest Potential and timelines of Self Mastery, whether this is relationship issues, health issues or deeper levels of your Soul purpose and heart’s dreaming as we look through our Master Eyes where all Truth is revealed. Additionally, we activate the sacred geometry of the icosahedron within our Christed Heart’s, as we complete the geometries for the activation and actualization of the Sirian Stargate of the Heart. Furthermore, our Sword of Holy Truth ignites through the Flames of Truth as the veils of illusion lift and we draw to us our future Self in this Now moment and Golden Age of Light.

As we reflect upon the changes we wish to make within our own lives, we deepen into trusting and surrendering to the Divine, truth, Love and forgiveness manifestation, courage, and discernment. And so it is.

Opening the Time Locks ~ The Seven Paths to Higher Evolution

Join Anrita Melchizedek in the next step of our Soul’s journey as we come into an experiential understanding of the Seven Paths to Higher Evolution.

Through the numerous unparalleled activities of Light experienced as One Heart, we are now able to access all nine dimensions available to us, as well as activate the Time Locks in new Cosmic Rhythms of Service in Love.

The Time Locks, vibrational nodule points found along the Pathway of Divine Love, connect us into the Cosmic Consciousness aspects of Service in Love, and bring in new levels of insight and understanding as well as deepening the connection to our Multidimensional Selves, Master Guides and the Councils of Light.

In this telewebinar, we are offered an opportunity to understand the Path of Earth Service at a deeper level as well as an additional six paths on which we may choose to travel as we glimpse the next level of our Soul’s Forward Evolution as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love in Service to Mother Earth and all her Life.

These Seven Paths are:

the Path of Earth Service,

the Path of Magnetic Work,

the Path of Training to become a Planetary Logos,

the Path of Sirius,

the Ray Path,

the Path on which the Solar Logos Himself is found,

and the Path of Absolute Sonship

For the Path of Earth Service, we will journey to the Ascension Seat in Alcyone, where we will be placed in a Light Chamber relating to this Service path. The Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light who have served on this path for eons of time have stepped forward and will telepathically link to us so we may experience a deeper understanding of this path of Forward Evolution. For the Path of Magnetic Work, the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light will telepathically link with us as we are placed in a Light Chamber in the Ascension Seat of Andromeda. For the Path of Training to become a Planetary Logos, Lord Buddha, the current Planetary Logos, and Sanat Kumara, this wonderful Cosmic Being who is the previous Planetary Logos to this Earth plane, will telepathically link to us as we are placed in a Light Chamber in the Ascension Seat of Shamballa. The Sirian Archangelic League of the Light will explain the Path of Sirius, as we are placed in a Light Chamber in the Ascension Seat of Sirius. The Ray Path will be explained by the Mahatma at a ninth dimensional level as we are placed in the related Light Chamber in the Ascension Seat of Mother/Father God. Helios and Vesta, the Solar Logoi have offered to tell us more about the Path on which the Solar Logos Himself is found, and the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light will share with us their knowledge of the Path of Absolute Sonship.

As we travel these Paths, we will be presented with an opportunity to experience many of these Light dimensions and Service aspects of creation through particular tools, techniques and vibrational patternings giving us a deeper understanding of how we serve not only this earth plane but all of Creation.

A truly wonderful journey taking us deeper into our heart’s joy and passion and the knowing of our multidimensional Selves on these various dimensions and Paths of Higher Evolution.