Teachings of the Eye of Horus
Teachings of the Eye of Horus
Eleven beautiful transmissions, each one and a half to two hours long. Experienced with invocations, affirmations, visualizations, and Light language chants. You will receive a PDF transcribe of each transmission, plus the Mp3 recordings, with or without background music. Purchase as a bundle or individually.
As we anchor and hold the incoming high frequency templatings, numerologies and sacred geometries of the New Earth matrix within our physical bodies through our ascension process, we are experiencing many multidimensional realities converging in this Now. With this, we are being taken deeper into Self Mastery, coming deeper into our authentic Selves and drawing to us our highest potentialities and expressions of our innocence and joy as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love and initiates of Light.
As we experience the next level of our Soul’s blossoming, magnificence and Light, the Archangels, Lord Melchizedek and the Order of Melchizedek come forward to invite us to experience the Temple teachings, also called the teachings of the Eye of Horus. As we draw upon the influence of the Kabbalah, the rays of Creation, Metatron’s Cube, the Flower and Fruit of Life and geometric templating’s, the teachings of the Eye of Horus unveils hidden knowledge, taking us ever deeper into the merging timelines of Self-Mastery.
Through these beautiful teachings Overlighted by the Order of Melchizedek, we experience the Trinity Lords Shield of Light and the Inner Tree of Life within the Spiritual Sun Temple of Helios and Vesta, the Seven Seals of Magnetic Resonance thru the Temple of Initiation, Inner Purification Rites in the Temple of Contemplation, the Goblets of Transformation through the Temple of Transformation, the Golden Dragons Orbs of Fire within the Temple of Equilibrium, the Golden Roses of Compassion within the Temple of Compassion, Angelic Golden Solar Disc Template activations within the Temple of Higher Perspectives, the Sirian Stargate of the Heart through the Temple of Truth, the Divine Mother Codes of the Universal Heart thru the Temple of Transfiguration as well as a wonderful bonus Mp3 The I AM Avatar Diamond Light Codes Ignition.
Each transmission, one and a half to two hours long, is experienced with invocations, affirmations, visualizations, and Light language chants. You will receive a PDF transcribe of each transmission, plus the Mp3 recordings, with or without background music. It is suggested that you create a folder on your desktop and Save As, dropping the Mp3’s and PDF files into related folders. You are not able to view online and will need to download all items.
The Trinity Lords Shield of Light and the Inner Tree of Life
Downloadable Audio
Length: 142 min 52 sec
Format: MP3 (with or without music) plus PDF Transcribe
In this beautiful transmission, as we experience the pathway of Divine Love as well as deepen our connection to our Beloved I Am Presence and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, we are offered the gift of the Trinity Lords Shield of Light, a beautiful 12-pointed star with two infinity symbols embedded upon the star, one horizontal and one vertical. This Shield of Light initially activates through our inner Tree Life along the spinal column, imprinted through our chakras and the Overlighting of Lord Michael, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Archangelic Leagues of Light. Once fully actualized, it forms a spherical shield 54 feet in diameter around us, surrounding the diamond sphere, the Golden Fruit of Life and Metatron’s cube, which links us ninth dimensionally in the Cosmic Heart of God.
The Trinity Lords Shield of Light brings with it the atomic seeds of God consciousness, the bio-energetic matrix circuitry of the Crystalline Life-Code Seed Atoms, taking us deeper into the creative energy expression of the Tree of Life, whilst simultaneously mapping through the chakras, nadis and meridians our etheric, electronic Body of Light, our I Am Avatar Body of Light, and the knowing of the higher mind teachings of Golden Ages of Light.
As the Patterns of Perfection amplify through the Unity Grid of Divine Love, we travel in our Merkaba vehicles of Light into Helios and Vesta’s great Spiritual Sun Temple of Light, within the etheric Sun behind the physical Sun. Within this sacred Spiritual Sun Temple, we initially experience the sacred Cosmic Fire of Peace wrapped in these beautiful copper-gold and pink-gold flames of God’s Infinite Perfection.
As we deepen into our Christed Hearts, through the Overlighting of Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek, we then experience the Trinity Lords Shield of Light, which initially appears as a disc of Light. This anchors initially through the Soul Star Chakra approximately 15 centimeters above the crown chakra, and then through all the chakras, and into the Earth Star Chakra, anchoring the Crystalline Life-Code Seed Atoms, as well as rejuvenating and regenerating body parts and organs in the creation of the bio-energetic matrix circuitry of our I Am Avatar Bodies of Light and related geometries of Solar Crystalline Consciousness.
From here, the Trinity Lords of Light and the related Archangels take us through the Inner Tree of Life, our spinal column upon which the Tree of Life activates, as well as the balancing of our Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits through the flow of the kundalini energy in the creation of our etheric, electronic Bodies of Light.
As the Trinity Lords Shield of Light activates through the base chakra as a spinning disc of Light, we move into the sphere of the Kingdom (Malkuth) Overlighted by Archangel Sandalphon. Archangel Sandalphon, as the Angel of Prayer and Music, takes us deeper into the appreciation of each Now moment, and the nurturing of this sacred earth looking through our master eyes. We journey through the four directions; into the North, understanding karmic forces, into the East, understanding desire and emotional forces; in the South, we move into silence and forces of inertia and through the West, we experience perceived limitations and the knowing of our challenges as Initiations of Light. As we ground our heart’s dreaming and the ability to align deeper into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth regardless of what is going on around us, we move into the sacral chakra.
The Trinity Lords activate their Shield of Light through the sacral chakra as we move into the sphere of the Foundation (Yesod) and the Overlighting of Archangel Gabriel. Archangel Gabriel as a master communicator, assists us in retrieving messages from the unconscious mind and dream state, to deepen our faith and connection to Mother/Father God, whilst lifting the veils of illusion; not only in our service work but also with personal issues that may still be hidden within the unconscious mind. With the assistance of the Cherubim, and within this sphere of the Foundation, he invites us into the Akashic records, to unveil hidden knowledge, additionally amplifying our unique ESP gifts.
As the Trinity Lords Shield of Light activates through the solar plexus chakra, we experience the spheres of Victory (Netzach) and Splendor (Hod), through the Overlighting of Archangel Haniel and Archangel Michael (Lord Michael) respectively. Haniel as the Angel of Joy, assists us in finding joy within our lives, no matter our perceived challenges. Through the sphere of Victory, a sphere of divine beauty, emotions and feelings, we seek guidance with our relationships, as well as deepening into gratitude with all those we have connected with along both the karmic and Christed Timelines. Victory is also the realm of the fairy kingdom, and with the assistance of Archangel Haniel, we connect to these gentle nature spirit beings, showing our Love and appreciation of their work upon this sacred earth. From here we enter into the sphere of Splendor, and the Overlighting of Archangel Michael, Protector and Guardian. Splendor is a good place to meet with Archangel Michael when we need protection or are in some kind of danger, both seen and unseen. Splendor is also the realm of ideas and communication, of magic, contracts, and travel, a manifesting sphere, bringing into manifestation that which was previously unmanifest as we travel the path of Divine Love, supported, loved and greatly appreciated. Additionally Archangel Michael assists us in a deeper understanding of Spiritual-Scientific principles, illuminating the wisdom of our Higher Mind as wayshowers in service to Mother Earth and all her Life.
The Trinity Lords then activate their Shield of Light through the heart chakra, as we move into the sphere of Beauty (Tiphareth) through the Overlighting of Archangel Raphael, the Angel of Healing and Harmony. Beauty is the realm of the Christ energy and of universal Love, assisting us in activating the petals of the Christed Heart, as well as deepening our connection to our Beloved I Am Presence through our devotion and service to God and all Life. As the center of the Tree of Life, Beauty amplifies all other spheres, not unlike how the heart chakra ignites all the other chakras in Divine Love. Within this sacred sphere of Beauty, Archangel Raphael comes forward to place us within a Pyramid of Healing to assist in the releasing of our hurts, betrayals, grief, sadness and anger.
As we experience the Trinity Lords Shield of Light through the throat chakra, we move into the spheres of Mercy (Chesed) and Strength (Geburah) through the Overlighting of Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Chamuel respectively. As the Angel of Mercy, Zadkiel illuminates the path of Divine Love through mercy, peace and humility. We find deeper levels of compassion within ourselves and the expressions of our Spiritual realities. We are merciful, just, patient and kind as we look through our master eyes at all of Life around us, finding a greater sense of serenity and peace within our lives. A new flow, a new balance, and new golden opportunities present within Mercy a sphere of abundance, often seen as a sphere of acquiring wealth or luck. It is a sphere of manifestation that comes from the utterance and expression of our Spiritual realities, knowing we are Divinely supported as manifesting Master Beings of Light; trusting and surrendering to the Divine, trusting and surrendering to Life.
We then enter into Strength (Geburah) a sphere of might, empowerment and peace. Â Archangel Chamuel, as the Angel of Peaceful Relationships, strengthens our relationships so that we can experience peace within our lives through the strength and courage to release the old and make way for the new. For all of us now, this is a time of new beginnings, deeper into our Divinity, innocence and purity. Â It is also the sphere in which we stand as Spiritual warriors of Light, knowing when to step forward in dynamic right action, fighting of what we believe in so the highest outcome may prevail, and knowing when we step back in Love and wisdom. It is a sphere in which we draw upon the forces of Light to stand with us as One Unified Cosmic Heart, feeling and sensing the natural powers of the Universe and our ability to co-create and affect change as we walk the Path of Divine Love.
The Trinity Lords then activate their Shield of Light through the third eye chakra, as we move into the sphere of Hidden Knowledge (Daath) through the Overlighting of Archangel Ekenor, the Angel of Power. Ekenor assists us to reach our Highest Potential. As the veils of illusion are lifted we travel into this secret sphere, located on the crossway between Understanding (Binah) and Wisdom (Chokmah) which activate through the crown chakra. It is from within this sphere that the polarized energy pours forth from the Abyss and becomes manifest in form, bringing into being physical manifestations, and a place where the dance of duality deepens into One Unity Consciousness in insight, understanding, wisdom and Higher Mind teachings. It is a sphere upon which we initially often travel alone to deepen the knowledge we hold as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. And within the stillness, contemplation and Divine Love, we deepen into Self-Mastery. And with this, comes greater responsibilities in dedication, commitment and obedience to God in the ability to bring about change or focus on specific tasks. Archangel Ekenor will assist in the pineal gland activation, as we deepen into the higher dimensional fields of Light, and a greater experience of our I Am Avatar Bodies of Light.
The Trinity Lords activate their Shield of Light through the crown chakra as we move into the spheres of Wisdom (Chokmah) and Understanding (Binah) Overlighted by Archangel Ratziel and Archangel Tzaphkiel respectively. Archangel Ratziel through the sphere of Wisdom reveals divine mysteries to us, to deepen our wisdom as the wayshowers, and teachers in this Golden Age of Light. He assists us to turn our knowledge into wisdom as we bring a focus to our service work, as well as deepening our intuition and other unique ESP gifts as we walk the Path of Divine Love. Through this sphere of Wisdom, we walk in harmony and unity with all those around us, as we are drawn deeper into the energy of our Beloved I Am Presence, and the many Illumined Beings and Councils of Light from On High. Archangel Ratziel assists us in connecting deeper to the inner plane and outer plane core groups that can best assist us in our service work. Additionally our Light Quotient increases as we expand into our I Am Avatar Body of Light.
Through the sphere of Understanding (Binah) we connect to Archangel Tzaphkiel, an Angel of Compassionate Understanding. Archangel Tzaphiel assists us to truly release all that which no longer serves us, as we move from the karmic timelines deeper into the Christed Timelines. Intuitively guided into our heart’s dreaming and greater levels of bliss, we experience the sense of truly being home, in unity, Love and compassion, within the Cosmic Heart of God. Additionally, within the sphere of Understanding, we are able to seek the understanding of situations that have been difficult and challenging. It is a place of answers, but requires of us to have patience, to know that all has its perfect Now moment. Through the Overlighting of the Trinity Lords of Light, Archangel Tzaphiel offers to us the Ring of Solomon, a symbol representing our Initiations of Light, ready to move into the Abyss and the experience of All That Is.
Lastly we bring a focus back to the Soul Star chakra, 15 centimeters above the crown chakra, as we experience the reign of the Crown (Kether) and the Overlighting of Archangel Metatron, who stands for Divine Truth, Justice and Splendor. As the serpent kundalini energy uncoils from the perineum and base chakra, and climbs the inner Tree of Life through the golden apples of immortality and Crystalline infuses Life-Code Seed Atoms of the Trinity Lords Shield of Light, we enter into a divine, holy sphere that is indescribable, filled with all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High, and the Divine Unconditional Love of Mother/Father God. We have crossed the Abyss and are now free from perceived third dimensional human miscreations. A sphere without polarity, we experience a deep sense of Unity Consciousness, as we walk through the gateways of Light, timeless, formless, and yet, with the ability to bring into form the manifesting co-creations of Heaven on Earth. And so it is.
Inner Purification Rites ~ Temple of Contemplation Â
Downloadable Audio
Length: 140 min 11 sec
Format: MP3 (with or without music) plus PDF Transcribe
As we are taken deeper into Self Mastery in Conscious Awareness and Mindfulness, the Order of Melchizedek, as well as Archangel Sandalphon and his Legions of Light invite us into the Temple of Contemplation to experience the Inner Purification Rites. As we draw upon the teachings of the sphere of the Kingdom (Malkuth), and surrounded in the Violet Flame of Transmutation and the White Flame of Peace and Purity, we deepen into alchemy and ceremonial magic through this process of inner purification.  Within the Temple of Contemplation, we are offered the tools and techniques to transform physical and/or emotional dis-ease with a new level of ease and grace, as well as release old wounds and betrayals, frozen miasms, parasites or astral entities, and purify ourselves on all levels of our Beingness.
Surrounded in the Trinity Lords’ Shied of Light, and grounded and centered within our own vivaxis, we hold the focus of concentration, contemplation, transmutation and purification for ourselves and all Life on this sacred earth. Our personal vivaxis is created a few weeks prior to incarnating into specific Soul groups and geographical locations on this earth plane. At that time, we create an energy vortex, or personal axis at the exact place of our birth. This personal axis or vivaxis links us into the Unity Grid in streams of consciousness and light while drawing to us energetically those with whom we will connect with upon this sacred earth, and this same process occurs for all Souls on this earth plane. Drawing upon the energy of our vivaxis, which travels as a two way conduit, deepens our connection to the energy of Mother Earth, and corrects imbalances within our own energy field as we ground into the New Earth Templates. Further to this, we have the ability to draw to us fellow initiates of Light through the activation of our individual energy pod, and we will end with this process.
Within the Temple of Contemplation and our magical circle, we are surrounded in the Violet Flame of Transmutation and the White Flame of Purity and Peace, as we experience the following Purification Rites:
Implant and Entity Clearing Purification Rite ~ Archangel Sandalphon and the Order of Melchizedek offer to us the symbol of the cross with equal arms, the symbol of the initiate within the Temple of Contemplation. Through this symbol, we experience this Implant and Entity Clearing session through particular invocations and affirmations in the knowing of the strength we have to face any perceived ‘challenge’ or ‘darkness” within our lives.
Karmic Clearing Purification Rite ~ Archangel Sandalphon and the Order of Melchizedek take us across a white bridge of peace and into a beautiful crystal mountain as we experience the karmic timelines merging into this Now, and the sense of all past, present and future selves needing healing. As we wrap these selves in the Violet Flame of Transmutation, amplified through Crystalline Consciousness, we clear the karmic timelines as we move deeper onto the Christed Timelines and the path of Divine Love.
Soul Retrieval Purification Rite ~ In this purification rite, Archangel Sandalphon and the Order of Melchizedek offer to us a drum, and with this particular grounded beat, we bring in the Soul fragments of ourselves that left in pain, or shame, or heartache. As we invite these aspects of ourselves into our Christed Hearts, we have a sense of this dance of joy in this Soul re-union.
Healing of Old Wounds and Addictions Purification Rite ~ In this purification rite, Archangel Sandalphon and the Order of Melchizedek take us one step at a time up the Temple Stairs into a deeper level of alignment of our will to the Will of the Divine; with each step representing our courage and commitment to move forward with forgiveness and Love as we let go of blame, and lack of within our Lives.
Toxins Release Purification Rite ~ In this purification rite, Archangel Sandalphon and the Order of Melchizedek surround us in a beautiful golden rain, as we release toxic energies, elementals, etheric mucous, internal parasites and other imbalances within the body and energy field.
Matrix Removal Purification Rite ~ The Matrix Removal Purification Rite transmutes old false beliefs and judgments at a cellular level, and in particular the wounded soul programming within the sub-conscious mind. Archangel Sandalphon and the Order of Melchizedek come forward and activate the Trinity Lord’s Shied as a spinning disc of Light through the chakras, clearing out these old programs. Additionally, they place a silk veil upon our head, representing our ability to move beyond the veils of Illusion into greater levels of our magnificence and Light.
Spleen Purification Rite ~ With this Purification Rite, Archangel Sandalphon and the Order of Melchizedek link us into the energy of “Mother Earth” through our personal vivaxis. Centered and grounded, and from this place of stillness, the etheric Medical Teams assist in recalibrating the spleen in particular light frequencies and sonic vibrations to release excessive mental energy that may take us into worry and stress.
Lung Purification Rite~ Archangel Sandalphon and the Order of Melchizedek and the medical teams assist us to release, embrace and accept into our Christed Heart’s the emotions of grief and sadness and loss.
Liver Flush Purification Rite ~ Archangel Sandalphon and the Order of Melchizedek and the etheric Medical Teams assist us to flush the liver energetically, and release, embrace and accept into our Christed Heart’s the emotions of anger, resentment and frustration.
Heart Healing Purification Rite ~ Archangel Sandalphon and the Order of Melchizedek take us into the central Altar of Fire as the etheric Medical Teams recalibrate the physical heart. We then release, embrace and accept into our Christed Heart’s the emotions of lack of enthusiasm and vitality, mental restlessness, depression, insomnia and despair.
Lastly, we experience the Kidney Healing Purification Rite ~ Archangel Sandalphon, the Order of Melchizedek and the etheric Medical Teams assist us to recalibrate the kidneys, and to release the emotions of lack of power, fear and isolation.
This is a powerful transmission of Light working with the new Light frequency signatures and New Templates activing in this Now moment. As we end this session, we activate our individual energy pod into group pods, drawing to us fellow initiates of Light with whom we can co-create in this Golden Age of Light.
Through this process, we may experience increased health and vitality, deeper healing gifts, being grounded, being in the Now moment in Conscious awareness, our physical body as a Temple of Light, traveling the Christed Timelines and opening up to new levels of Self Mastery with a deeper sense of our unique ESP gifts.
Furthermore, you will be given the opportunity to create your own Light elixir. If you may like to create a general purification essence through this telewebinar transmission, the transmission will start with this intention. Take a clear glass bowl, fill it with spring water and place within it an amethyst and clear quartz crystal. This water will be energized by the Order of Melchizedek and Archangel Sandalphon during this telewebinar transmission. You can then drink the water over the next couple of days or place it in a 10% preservative mixture such as vinegar, vodka or brandy, and make sprays or essences for yourself and others to use over time.
We experience this powerful Purification Rites transmission in guided visualization, invocations, affirmations and Light frequency Galactic and Universal codes of Melchizedek Consciousness.
The Nine Goblets of TransformationÂ
 Downloadable Audio
Length: 146 min 37 sec
Format: MP3 (with or without music) plus PDF Transcribe
In this beautiful transmission, we enter into the Temple of Transformation, and experience the Nine Goblets of Transformation, Overlighted by Archangel Sandalphon, Archangel Gabriel, Lord Melchizedek and the Order of Melchizedek.
The Temple of Transformation is brought into being through the energy of the sixth ray of Devotion and Idealism, and is the overlay on Jacobs’s Ladder of The Kingdom over Foundation (Malkuth over Yesod). Through the Temple of Transformation, we deepen into new expressions of communication and change within our own lives and through our relationships as we bring a focus to every unconscious thought or action needing to be integrated, loved and celebrated within our Christed Heart’s. Additionally, through the expression of our devotion in communication, primarily through the utterance and expression of our truth openly and honestly, we step into the next level of our service work in manifestation and illumination and into the next level of our Soul’s blossoming, magnificence and Light.
As these Initiates of Light and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love walking the path of Discipleship, many of our perceived challenges, our initiations of Light, have not been easy as we experience this process of transmutation, transformation and transfiguration. As we purify and release our perceived fears and traumas stored within the emotional body, we deepen into the creation of our I AM Avatar Body of Light and the merging and integration of our Soul Light, our Higher Self and Beloved I Am Presence. And it is from this place of Divine Love, of Communion with the Divine that we are able to let go and let God, in the full embrace of Divine, unconditional Love, knowing Love is All There Is.
As we continue to bring a focus to the aspects of our own unconscious and wounded selves, and embrace these aspects within our Christed Hearts, we are offered new emotional techniques to embrace and Love not only the aspects of ourselves in fear or needing to be seen and heard, but the aspects of all humanity in fear and needing to be seen and heard. Additionally, we are given new tools to work with in our own dance of the wounded soul, played out and reflected through others in anger, judgment, lack of forgiveness, blame or resentment.
We accept our feelings and invite the full range of our emotions within our Christed Heart as we observe with Love and compassion, how we can best assist ourselves and others. And to assist us in the transformation process, we experience many of the gifts of Archangel Sandalphon, Archangel Gabriel, Lord Melchizedek and the Order of Melchizedek. Additionally, we are invited to drink from the Nine Goblets of Transformation. Each goblet holds the energy of transformation, and as we drink the elixir of transformation from each goblet, we experience a new facet, insight, understanding or activation.
These Nine Goblets of Transformation are:
Centeredness and groundedness
Prayer and Devotion (Will-to-good)
Truth and Honesty (Justice and Sovereignty)
Direction and Focus (Clarity, Insight and Understanding)
Healing of Personal Relationships (Compassion, Love and Christed Heart transmissions)
Psychic Talents, Skillsets and ESP Gifts
Peace and Purpose
Manifestation, Joy and Appreciation
We experience this telewebinar transmission in Light Language activation codes, affirmations, invocations, guided visualizations and the Overlighting of these many Illumined Beings of Light from On High. Through this transmission, and new teachings of the Eye of Horus, we deepen into our Magnificent Selves. Looking through our Master Eyes at the magnificence of all Life on this sacred Earth we walk the Path of Divine Love as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love and Melchizedek Initiates of Light. And so it is.
Attunements to the Golden Dragons Orbs of Fire
Downloadable Audio
Length: 02 hours 2min 37 sec
Format: MP3 (with or without music) plus PDF Transcribe
Join Anrita and the Elders as we travel to the Temple of Equilibrium and experience eight attunements to the Golden Dragons Orbs of Fire, Overlighted by Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael and the Order of Melchizedek.
The Golden Dragons, as Ascended Beings, work with the Archangels and Angels. They are powerful guides and teachers, who serve the Divine, and assist through spiritual wisdom, protection, purification, magic and ritual to deepen our service work to Mother Earth and all her Life. They are further connected to the power of the elements, and the leylines of Mother Earth and in their own way have been assisting in our ascension process as guardians and warriors of Light to this sacred earth. The Golden Dragons are intelligent and cognizant beings. We have the ability to communicate with the Golden Dragons and they communicate with us, often in symbols and energy. As these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love and Initiates of Light, the Golden Dragons are now coming forward, offering us the opportunity to connect and merge with their powerful Golden energy and Orbs of Fire.
To start this transmission, we experience the Golden Dragon Fire of Purification and the Golden Dragon Healing Breath, and then eight attunements to the Golden Dragon Orbs of Fire, along with particular symbols from Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael.
These attunements are as follows:
The Golden Dragon Protection and Purification Orb
To experience this attunement, Archangel Michael offers to us a Protection Amulet with his image on one side and the image of the Golden Dragon on the other side. As we place this within the Tan Tien center, Archangel Raphael then activates our third eye through his symbol of the Crescent Moon with the eight-pointed star giving us the insight and understanding as to what we are still working with on different levels.  The Golden Dragon Orb of Protection and Purification then anchors and activates around us in a ring of fire and then into a golden orb of Light, taking us deeper into energetic protection and purification on all levels of our beingness.
The Golden Dragon Gratitude Orb
To experience this attunement, Archangel Michael offers to us these beautiful blue poppies, and Archangel Raphael these wonderful green roses, which we place within our Christed Heart, in appreciation and celebration of ourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. As the Golden Dragon Gratitude Orb then anchors and activates around us in a ring of fire and then into a golden orb of Light, we are taken deeper into beauty, appreciation, and gratitude for all we have at this time and deeper into this Now through the stillness and Love of our Christed Hearts.
The Golden Dragon Empowerment Orb of Light
In this attunement, Archangel Michael activates his Golden Helmet upon our head, and Archangel Raphael offers to us a pair of horns, which are placed over our Golden Helmet, we experience as deeper sense of empowerment, and higher mind insights and understandings. As the Golden Dragon Gratitude Orb then anchors and activates around us in a ring of fire and then into a golden orb of Light, we are taken deeper into inner strength and justice, in the alignment of our will to the Will of God.
The Golden Dragon Healing Orb
In this attunement, Archangel Michael surrounds us in his blue healing and protection cloak of Light, and Archangel Raphael anchors and actives the caduceus along the spinal column starting from the perineum and base chakra. As the Golden Dragon Healing Orb then anchors and activates around us in a ring of fire and golden orb of Light, we experience the kundalini activating and actualizing more deeply as healing energy. Additionally, we activate the axiatonal lines, and deepen into the emotional, mental, and physical healing of ourselves.
The Golden Dragon Compassionate Orb
Archangel Michael activates his Diamond Sword of Truth and Archangel Raphael places within the sacral chakra his medicine box as we start to experience the rebalancing of our Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits. As the Golden Dragon Compassionate Orb then anchors and activates around us in a ring of fire and then into a golden orb of Light, we deepen into empathy and compassion, loving all that arises no matter how uncomfortable it may be, as well as experiencing a renewed balance of our own masculine and feminine energies.
 The Golden Dragon Equilibrium Orb
 Archangel Michael offers to us the scales of justice, which activate initially through the solar plexus chakra, as Archangel Raphael places a pair of Angel wings upon our back. As the Golden Dragon Equilibrium Orb then anchors and activates around us in a ring of fire and then as a golden orb of Light, we experience a deepening sense of the balancing of polarities through our emotional and mental bodies, physical and spiritual bodies.
The Golden Dragon Inspiration and Divine Intelligence Orb
In this attunement, Archangel Michael offers to us the symbol of the Sun, which activates through the throat chakra, and Archangel Raphael offers to us the Ring of Solomon, deepening our connection to the Order of Melchizedek. As the Golden Dragon Inspiration and Divine Intelligence Orb then anchors and activates around us in a ring of fire and then a golden orb of Light, we experience a renewed sense of conscious communication through our own Soul notes. Additionally, we experience a deeper level of remembrance of the Melchizedek teachings of Light, offered in inspiration and alignment to the Divine, and taking us into the next level of our Soul’s blossoming and heart’s joy.
 The Golden Dragon Abundance Chi Orb
Archangel Michael offers to us this beautiful diamond crystal which activates through each one of the chakras, and aligns the chakra in one unified column of Light. Archangel Raphael then places an emerald within each one of the chakras, expanding our energy into deeper levels of magnetization and prosperity consciousness. As the Golden Dragon Chi Orb then anchors and activates around us in a ring of fire and then a golden orb of Light, we experience a deeper sense of our own energy amplifying and connecting into the Unity Grid of Divine Love. With this, we draw upon greater powers of magnetization, manifestation and abundance from within the Unity Grid of Divine Love and the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light, knowing that we are divinely supported on all levels of our Beingness in our co-creations with the Company of Heaven.
This powerful transmission will be experienced in attunements, affirmations, invocations and Light language activations.
The Seven Golden Roses of Compassion
Downloadable Audio
Length: 145 min 48 sec
Format: MP3 (with or without music) plus PDF Transcribe
Join Anrita and the Elders in this heartfelt transmission, as we enter into the Temple of Compassion to experience the Seven Golden Roses of Compassion.
Overlighted by the Order of Melchizedek, Archangel Haniel and the Sisterhood of the Rose, we come deeper into our loving, compassionate Christed Hearts, and our innocence and purity. Through the Temple of Compassion we acknowledge our worthiness, and our courage as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love in creating the Pathway of Divine Love for yourselves and others, and the many perceived challenges we have faced to know ourselves as Love.
As we experience our magnificence and Light in non-judgment, strength and compassion, honoring every single experience we have had along both the karmic and Christed Timelines to bring us to this Now, we are offered the gift of these golden roses.
These Seven Golden Roses of Compassion are:
Innocence ~ assisting us to Love and embrace our inner child as our innocence and gateway to God
Loving all that arises ~ assisting us to clear, release and embrace painful emotions and perceived suffering through the compassion of our Christed Heart
Letting go and letting God ~ Letting go of perceived obligation, contracts and karmic agreements, trusting and surrendering to God
Forgiveness ~ Forgiving ourselves and others through lack of judgment and Divine Love
Worthiness ~ Deepening into worthiness, empowerment, strength and courage
Re-Union ~ Experiencing a new creativity and passion through our Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Spirits
Being in the Now ~ appreciating, accepting and surrendering to each Now moment in deeper levels of gratitude and peace
Service in Love ~ Taking our service work to the next level, in unity consciousness, mindfulness and a generosity of heart
Following these beautiful invocations and affirmations experienced through each of the Seven Golden Roses of Compassion and these beautiful Beings of Light from On High, we journey to Venus, Overlighted by Sanat Kumara and his Twin Flame, Lady Master Venus. Within the Temple of Venus, we experience a deeper sense of our own Solar Crystalline Consciousness, in the creation and activation of our multidimensional Light Bodies.
These seven multidimensional Light Bodies are our:
Golden multidimensional Light Body
Copper-Gold multidimensional Light Body
Silver multidimensional Light Body
Silver-Gold multidimensional Light Body
Golden-White multidimensional Light Body
Platinum multidimensional Light Body
Diamond multidimensional Light Body
From here, we journey into Mother Mary’s Temple of the Immaculate Heart, receiving the blessings of the Sisterhood of the Rose, as the Flame of Compassion activates and actualizes within our Christed Hearts.
In this power transmission we deepen into the Love of Creation and the Love within our Christed Hearts, as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love and Master Beings of Light. And so it is!
The Angelic Golden Solar Disc Templates and Solar Rings of Fire Â
Downloadable Audio
Length: 128 min 22 sec
Format: MP3 (with or without music) plus PDF Transcribe
In this beautiful telewebinar transmission, we experience increased levels of Solar Crystalline Consciousness, through the Angelic Golden Solar Disc Template Activations and Solar Rings of Fire.
Coming together as One Heart and Unified Field of Light, we are experiencing the amplified frequencies of Solar Crystalline Consciousness while deepening into the every present Continuum or Zero Point. These “future” time-space fields of Light are assisting us to access and anchor the higher dimensional templatings as we merge with our “future” selves, our multidimensional selves and Beloved I Am Presence. Additionally we are experiencing a deepening sense of the collective I AM Avatar Consciousness, the collective Higher Light of all awakened Souls on this sacred earth as we walk the path of Divine Love. This alignment to Unity Consciousness is further amplified through our own Light Body and DNA activations, ESP gifts, axiatonal alignments, Diamond Light Code integrations and so on, as we transform and upgrade our 12-Body System through the Overlighting of our Beloved I Am Presence, and become more crystalline in nature.
This “Crystalline Matrix” brings a deepening sense of the transformation process we are all experiencing in this Now, and with it, a Knowing that the changes we wish to create within our own lives and upon this sacred earth are already here, being tangibly experienced as we Love all that arises and deepen into our magnificence and Light.
As these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, we are invited to amplify our collective Crystalline Consciousness fields, and gifts of Knowing and wisdom, as we experience six Angelic Golden Solar Disc Template activations within the Temple of Higher Perspectives. Overlighted by Helios and Vesta, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriel and the Order of Melchizedek, we experience the upgraded templating’s of Solar Crystalline Consciousness through these six Golden Solar Disc Templates as well as 12 etheric, electronic Solar Rings of Fire. Â The etheric, electronic Solar Rings of Fire activate around the Great Central Sun, and through and around each Sun. As we activate the timelines of Unity Consciousness, we connect into the inner Earth Sun, the Golden Sun within our Hearts, the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun and draw to us the etheric, electronic Solar Rings of Fire, which activate around our body and energy field, with 12 concentric solar rings in total. Each Solar Ring of Fire assists us to deal with the increased flux of solar flares through our 12-Body System, by anchoring photonic energy into our chakras and around our bodies of Light. And through the Solar Rings of Fire, we are able to more easily integrate the planes of polarities and unresolved issues as well as recalibrate the central nervous system and sensory system and other ascension like symptoms.
From within the Temple of Higher Perspectives, as Initiates of Light, we experience the following Solar Rings of Fire and Golden Solar Disc Templates anchor and activate through the 12-Body System:
Earth Star Chakra ~ Activation of the first Angelic Golden Solar Disc Template related to the Crystalline Sun DNA Activation. Anchoring of the first etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire around the body, stabilizing the ascension symptoms of physical or energetic displacement or disorientation.
Base Chakra ~ Awakening our spiritual and ESP gifts aligned to our Light work. Anchoring of the second etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire, and stabilizing the ascension symptoms of lack of focus or direction and/or inertia and lethargy.
Sacral Chakra ~ Clearing of self-limiting beliefs that restrict the natural flow of abundance, divine inspiration and creativity. Anchoring of the third etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire, stabilizing the ascension symptoms of disillusionment and/or perceived separation.
Sacral Chakra ~ Clearing of self-limiting beliefs that restrict the natural flow of abundance, divine inspiration and creativity. Anchoring of the third etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire, stabilizing the ascension symptoms of disillusionment and/or perceived separation.
Solar Plexus Chakra ~ Activating Wisdom and Knowing in Conscious Relationships. Anchoring of the fourth etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire, assisting in releasing a sense of depression and lack of clarity.
Heart Chakra ~ Activating the Petals of the Christed Heart. Anchoring of the fifth etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire, soothing and recalibrating heart palpitations, pain and loss.
Throat Chakra ~ Activating a deeper expression of our Godself, and Light Language Activation. Anchoring of the sixth etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire, and relieving pain and aches throughout the body as well as neck, shoulder and back pain.
Third Eye ~ Pineal Gland activation. Anchoring of the seventh etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire, which assists in the releasing, clearing and understanding negative mental images and bad dreams.
Crown Chakra ~ Activation of the second Angelic Golden Solar Disc Template related to the deepening connection to Soul and Star Families and abounding synchronicities. Anchoring of the eighth etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire, soothing and recalibrating the ascension symptoms of sinusitis, headaches and blurred vision.
Lunar Chakra ~ Activation of the third Angelic Golden Solar Disc Template linking us to the energy of the Moon, as we experience a magnetic field re-alignment to the Galactic Center and a new ebb and flow and balance of equilibrium through the Divine Feminine imprinting’s. Anchoring of the ninth etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire, assisting in overcoming a sense of overwhelm, grief, isolation, anger and other oscillating emotions.
Solar Chakra ~ Activation of the fourth Angelic Golden Solar Disc Template linking us to the energy of the Sun, and deeper into wisdom and Knowing of our Service Work and Magnetic Influence through the Divine Masculine imprinting’s. Anchoring of the tenth etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire, releasing judgment of self and others as we deepen into One Unity Consciousness.
Galactic Chakra ~ Activation of the fifth Angelic Golden Solar Disc Template taking us beyond “space and time” into future timelines and multidimensional realities of One Unity Consciousness through Axiatonal Alignment. Anchoring of the eleventh etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire, assisting in recalibrating the symptoms of anxiety, and disharmony through the central nervous system and sensory system.
Universal Chakra ~ Activation of the sixth Angelic Golden Solar Disc Template  assisting us to experience Self Mastery through the Diamond Light Codes and the Creation of the Solar Crystalline Light Body/I Am Avatar Body. Anchoring of the twelfth etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire, assisting with temporary memory loss.
This beautiful transmission is experienced in invocations, affirmations, visualizations and frequency activations as we come together as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, deepening into Solar Crystalline Consciousness as the I Am Avatar Race. And so it is.
The Sirian Stargate of the Heart and the Golden Age Temples of Light
 Downloadable Audio
Length: 145 min 48 sec
Format: MP3 (with or without music) plus PDF Transcribe
Join Anrita and the Elders in this beautiful telewebinar transmission of invocations and affirmations, as we experience the Sirian Stargate of the Heart and the Golden Age Temples of Light as we come together as One Unified Cosmic Heart.
We start by traveling in our activated Merkabas into the Sirian Living Library within the etheric of Sirius as it aligns with the Center of the Galaxy. As we merge with our Christed ET Selves, we access the Cosmic Living Library Codes and Universal Akashic Records from the Golden Age timelines of Lemuria, Atlantis and ancient Egypt in particular as these volunteer Souls to Mother Earth and all Life. As these Golden Age timelines merge into this Golden Age timeline in increased waves of Cosmic Christ Consciousness and Divine Love, this assists us to create and bring about huge changes within our own life in the knowing of our starseed contracts upon this sacred earth in timelines of Self Mastery.
As initiates of Light, we enter into the Sirian Temple of the Goddess. Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League of Light and the Order of Melchizedek, we attune to the Pink Sirian Seed Crystal within this Temple which activates the pink flame of unconditional, compassionate Love. We merge with our Sirian Christed ET Self as we dissolve and transmute emotional and etheric debris no longer needing to be experienced, particularly old emotional ties or misused or abused heart energy imprintings. The Sirian Temple of the Goddess embraces the Divine Masculine archetypal energy as it surrenders to the Divine Feminine archetype. Embracing, loving and appreciated our Divine Masculine Spirits and all they have done to defend us and protect us, while realizing this is no longer needing to be experienced as we walk the path of Love. In this rebalancing of our Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits, we ignite our Divine Feminine and Masculine Pillars into the Central Pillar of Equilibrium and Truth, and embrace of the full range of our emotions. Additionally we activate the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron within our Christed Hearts, and our Sword of Holy Truth through these energies of Divine Love.
We then enter into the Lemurian Temple of Dreaming. Overlighted by the Lemurian Elders, our Lemurian Multidimensional Selves who have experienced this timeline and the Order of Melchizedek. We attune to the Tangerine Dream Lemurian Seed Crystal within this Temple which activates Soul re-alignment as it aligns into the original Divine Blueprint. This Temple has an accelerated energy pattern that offers profound change, taking us deeper into our heart’s dreaming and our heart’s passion. Additionally we connect into the Soul dreamtime of Crystalline Cities, Ashrams of Light and inner plane Schools of Learning as we activate the sacred geometry of the cube within our Christed Heart’s, and our Sword of Holy Truth.
We then enter into the Atlantean Diamond Crystal Temple of Multidimensional Interface, Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Order of Melchizedek, Thoth and the Atlantean Priesthood. As we deepen into the Diamond Light codes, activating at the deepest levels of our beingness the Divine Blueprint of Creation through the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, also known as Melchizedek Consciousness, we increase our Light Quotient and activate the Atlantean Star Ki codes of Unity and Truth through our original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint. From here, we enter into the Halls of Amenti. In particular, we enter into the Temple of the Cold Flaming Flower of Life, where we experience the personal living library of our Golden Age lifetimes and service work in Atlantis. Additionally, we activate the sacred geometry of the octahedron within our Christed Heart’s, and our Sword of Holy Truth.
From here we enter into the Egyptian Temple of Light and Darkness, Overlighted by the Sirian Archangel League of the Light, the High Priesthood and the Order of Melchizedek. Within the Temple of Light and Darkness, we merge with our Egyptian Multidimensional Selves as we attune to the Smoky Egyptian Seed Crystal, an effective karmic cleanser. We release the victim and persecutor consciousness in courage and compassion as we walk both the karmic and Christed Timelines; as we find the balance between Light and dark, touching the point of neutrality, letting go of judgment, and trusting and surrendering to the Divine. This Temple takes us into courageously facing and embracing our shadow aspects, in the knowing that our challenges of Light are initiations of Light as we face our fears and embrace the change upon us in this Now. Additionally, we activate the sacred geometry of the dodecahedron within our Christed Heart’s, and our Sword of Holy Truth.
Lastly, we enter back into the Temple of Truth, where every aspect of our Life is re-aligned to our Highest Potential and timelines of Self Mastery, whether this is relationship issues, health issues or deeper levels of your Soul purpose and heart’s dreaming as we look through our Master Eyes where all Truth is revealed. Additionally, we activate the sacred geometry of the icosahedron within our Christed Heart’s, as we complete the geometries for the activation and actualization of the Sirian Stargate of the Heart. Furthermore, our Sword of Holy Truth ignites through the Flames of Truth as the veils of illusion lift and we draw to us our future Self in this Now moment and Golden Age of Light.
As we reflect upon the changes we wish to make within our own lives, we deepen into trusting and surrendering to the Divine, truth, Love and forgiveness manifestation, courage, and discernment. And so it is.
The Trinity Lords Light Programs and Star Attunements of Cosmic Convergence
Downloadable Audio
Length: 135 min 58 sec
Format: MP3 (with or without music) plus PDF Transcribe
As we collectively experience the next level of our Soul’s Forward Evolution and the New Earth Templates, we are invited to experience the Trinity Lords Light Programs, attunements of Cosmic Convergence through particular Star Gate activations and Metatronic Consciousness.
As part of the Universal Council of Twelve, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron and Lord Michael implement programs of Cosmic Consciousness awareness. This information is then distributed to the outer worlds of Light through Light shells of photons and anti-photons, sub-units of the super-electron. This Light Continuum within the Universal field allows for the interconnectivity of all levels of Cosmic Consciousness through the oscillation of Cosmic rays in all directions within the various interdimensional wormholes. These encodings of Light are matched energetically to the different harmonic octaves of Star Systems and Galaxies within this quadrant of the Galaxy and sent through the appropriate frequency wormholes of Divine Love as potentially manifest thought forms.
In this transmission we are invited into the Temple of Service to experience the various levels of Cosmic Christ Consciousness, through the Overlighting of the Trinity Lords of Light, various Star Councils, and the appropriate frequency wormholes of Divine Love, Stargates of the Heart. This takes us deeper into the creative transmissions of the super-electron and the Cosmic Convergence of zero point, the ever-present Continuum as these multidimensional humans in Service in Love. These levels of Cosmic Christ Consciousness assist us in deeper levels of magnetization and manifestation in our Service work in joy, in Love, in abundance and in trust and surrender as we enter into the full flow of each Now moment. Additionally, through the various levels of Cosmic Christ Consciousness we attune to the harmonic octaves of each dimension experienced in the creation of our I Am Avatar Bodies of Lights, and the dynamic influence of all Light frequencies from On High.
Activating the Trinity Lords Shield of Light, we enter into the Temple of Truth. Surrounded by the Trinity Lords of Light, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek, we are welcomed and greeted by many Illumined Beings of Light and the Star Councils most familiar to starseeds and light workers on this sacred earth. As these illumined Beings of Light come forward, they anchor and activate the Stargates of the Heart in particular geometric formations and frequencies of Cosmic Christ Consciousness, which in turn actualizes as programs of Light through our Trinity Lords Shield of Light.
As we align to the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun, we connect through a fourth dimensional portal to Helios and Vesta, who open the Stargate of the Sun within our Christed Heart’s and attune us to Solar Christ Consciousness though the geometry of the cube. We align to the codes of Manifestation and Abundance as these programs of Light are experienced through the sacral chakra, Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint within the perineum center and the Earth Star Chakra. From here, we actualize these programs of Light within our Trinity Lords’ Shield of Light through a Metatron Activated Chamber of Light. Reading the energy harmonics of our original Divine eight-cell blueprint relative to the Multi-Universal blueprint, this Chamber of Light will spin the electron-positron pairs within our body at an increased frequency of Light bringing the codes of Manifestation and Abundance online. As Divine energy transmissions powered through the electron pour into our physical energy body, this brings with it integrated concepts that we may potentially manifest on our physical Earth plane as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, while clearing any blockages we may have at this time. This Chamber of Light will further stabilize our Light Body to the full harmonic frequencies of the fourth/fifth dimensional octaves of Unity Consciousness.
We then align to the Pleiades through a fifth dimensional portal. As the Pleiadian Star Council come forward, they anchor and activate the Stargate of the Pleiades within our Christed Heart’s and attune us to Interstellar Christ Consciousness though the geometry of the octahedron. We align to the codes of Joy and Purpose as these programs of Light are experienced through the solar plexus chakra, Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint and Earth Star Chakra. From here, we actualize these programs of Light within our Trinity Lords’ Shield of Light through our Metatron Activated Chamber of Light.
We then align to Sirius through a sixth dimensional portal. As the Sirian Star Council come forward, they activate the Stargate of the Sirius, the Vortex of the Goddess within our Christed Heart’s and attune us to Galactic Christ Consciousness though the geometry of the tetrahedron. We align to the codes of Trust and Courage as these programs of Light are experienced through the heart chakra, Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint and Earth Star Chakra. From here, we actualize these programs of Light within our Trinity Lords’ Shield of Light through our Metatron Activated Chamber of Light.
We then align to Andromeda through a seventh dimensional portal. As the Andromedan Star Council come forward, they anchor and activate the Stargate of Andromeda within our Christed Heart’s and attune us to Intergalactic Christ Consciousness though the geometry of the icosahedron. We align to the codes of Authenticity and Truth as these expansion programs of Light are experienced through the throat chakra, Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint and Earth Star Chakra. From here, we actualize these programs of Light within our Trinity Lords Shield of Light through our Metatron Activated Chamber of Light.
We then align to Orion and the Order of Melchizedek through an eighth dimensional portal. As the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light come forward, they anchor and activate the Stargate of Orion within our Christed Heart’s and attune us to Universal Christ Consciousness though the geometry of the dodecahedron. We align to the codes of Divine Inspiration and Devotion as these programs of Light are experienced through the third eye chakra, Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint and Earth Star Chakra. From here, we actualize these programs of Light within our Trinity Lords’ Shield of Light through our Metatron Activated Chamber of Light.
Lastly, we align to a ninth dimensional portal through Alpha Omega, taking us into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. The Trinity Lords of Light then come forward, opening the Stargate of Alpha Omega, though the geometry of the Flower of Life. We align to the codes of Innocence, Unity and Loving Kindness as these programs of Light are experienced through the crown chakra, Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint and Earth Star Chakra. From here, we actualize these programs of Light within our Trinity Lords’ Shield of Light through our Metatron Activated Chamber of Light.
We end this transmission by activating the Rings of Self Mastery through the Soul Star Chakra, and Earth Star Chakra, as we walk the path of Divine Love; inspired, passionately embracing our full magnificence and Light, aligned to the Divine and Mother Earth and deeply connected to all Life through Service in Love. And so it is.
The Divine Mother Codes of the Universal Heart
Downloadable Audio
Length: 146 min 12 sec
Format: MP3 (with or without music) plus PDF Transcribe
In this lovely transmission, we experience the restoration, rejuvenation and nurturing of our physical/energy bodies with very deep releasing of all that no longer works for us. As we surrender to the embrace of the Divine Mother, we release the vestiges of sadness, loss, betrayal and discomfort for ourselves and all of humanity as we walk the path of Love. And now, in this renewed integration of multi-dimensional convergence and greater levels of Self-appreciation and Self-Love, we experience the physical/energetic upgrades of our I Am Avatar Body of Light through our cells, central nervous system, sensory system and the left and right hemispheres of the brain in particular. This brings with it greater levels of vitality, clarity, empowerment, and focus, as well as increased sensitivity that activates into new levels of communication with all bands of consciousness. In particular, we are able to receive the Divine Mother Codes of the Universal Heart through our connection to all bands of consciousness upon this sacred earth as we link in telepathically and empathetically, in Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness, and in respect and reverence as these open hearts in this Golden Age of Light.
We are invited into the Temple of Transfiguration to experience a deepening sense of our planetary Light work as One Heart and One Unified Field of Light. Connecting to the Inner Earth Sun, the Golden Sun within our Hearts, the Sun, the Galactic Central Sun and Great Central Sun, and Overlighted by the Divine Mother, we draw to us the Equinox codes of Solar Christ Consciousness to activate and actualize the physical/energetic upgrades of our I Am Avatar Body of Light, our Adam Kadmon Body of Light.
We then connect as the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light and the Universal Heart through the Unity Grid of Divine Love, as we attune to:
The Elemental Kingdom: The fairies, elves, gnomes and brownies
The Crystal and Mineral Kingdom
The Plant Kingdom
The Animal Kingdom
The Healing Waters of Mother Earth
The Healing Forces of Nature
Ready to receive the Divine Mother Codes of the Universal Heart, we connect with Nature Intelligence and Nature Spirit Intelligence, along with the Overlighting Deva of Healing and the Deva of our Original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint and the Beloved I Am Presence of all awakened Souls on this sacred earth. As One Heart, we assist in the anchoring of the energetic codes of the Divine Mother. In particular, we assist in the anchoring and activation of the Divine Mother Codes of:
Strength and Courage
Divine Love
As these beautiful Divine Mother codes stream forth from the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, we activate and transmit these energetic elixir frequencies and codes of the Divine Mother into our sacred hearts and into the sacred hearts of all humanity walking the Path of Divine Love.
Lastly, we experience the Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Divine Love Attunement, as we deepen into Self-Love and ignite the Flame of Divine Love within our Christed Hearts to the highest level of unconditional Love and joy we are able to receive in this Now.
We end this transmission with a focus on connecting through the 144 Crystalline Grid of Divine Love, linking with the etheric Golden Dolphin and Whale pods, the many Legions of Light, Light Workers and star seeded ones and Nature Spirit Intelligence as we activate the collective OMM-Wave resonance of Divine Unconditional Love for ourselves and for all Life upon this sacred earth.
Come join us in this beautiful transmission of attunements, invocations, affirmations, visualizations and frequency activations as we come together at the time of the Equinox as One Heart and One Unified Field of Light.
The I AM Avatar Diamond Light Codes Ignition
Downloadable Audio
Length: 145 min 50 sec
Format: MP3 (with or without music) plus PDF Transcribe
In this wonderful I AM Avatar Diamond Light Codes Ignition telewebinar transmission thru Anrita Melchizedek, we enter into the Diamond Light Portal as Flames of Divinity and Conscious Co-Creators to the Divine.
We have experienced many amazing Light activities in this Golden Age of Light, taking us deeper into Re-union with the Divine, and Re-union with ourselves and one another as the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light, the collective Christed Light upon this sacred earth. One of the dimensional frequency activations many of us have experienced has been through the Divine Rays of Creation, and in particular, the building of the Rainbow Bridge to Mother/Father God through the 12 earthly rays and the six Cosmic Rays. By the Grace of God, these ray frequencies are now completely anchored, and the Cosmic Map to the Heart of God has made its return, and is now activating for all Life upon this sacred earth through the Diamond Ray of Melchizedek Consciousness.
Additionally we experience the Diamond Light Codes or Resurrection Codes of the I Am Avatar Consciousness igniting thru the Diamond Ray of Melchizedek Consciousness. As this God activated ray of purity and innocence blazes through and into each sub-atomic particle upon this sacred earth and within the hearts of all humanity, we merge with our Beloved I Am Presence, Soul and Star Family, rebalance our Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits and come deeper into unity and community. New mission codes and prosperity codes come online in conscious communication and loving relationships, and we deepen into a new flow of harmony, grace and ease, walking the path of the diamond, the path of Love.
Through this celestial Diamond Light, and the Diamond Light Codes of Creation we are now able to magnetically bring together all needed frequencies as well as deeper levels of support through the Overlighting of our Beloved I AM Presence and the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High. As our creations of Light unfold energetically through the sacred geometry of the Fruit of life, starting with the swirling’s of the vesica piscis and the activation of our Trinity Lords Shield of Light, we come deeper into cosmic conscious awareness as co-creators to the Company of Heaven. And in our ability to access, align, download and activate the multi-dimensional Diamond Light codes we take our mission work into the next level of service with grace and ease.
In this beautiful transmission, we start by experiencing the Rainbow Bridge of Light to the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God thru the Rays of Creation, and in this process activate the dormant DNA and create our multidimensional Bodies of Light.
We enter into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, merging with our Beloved I Am Presence, Soul and Star Family of the Light. From this place of God’s Infinite Perfection, we experience the Love of the Divine Mother expand from within our Christed Hearts in the knowing of truly coming Home, into our hearts of Divine Love.
We then activate our Trinity Lord’s Shield of Light and following this, ignite the I AM Avatar Diamond Light Codes through our Rainbow Light Body. This unique diamond activation creates the perfect Templatings and Blueprints of the I Am Avatar Race, attuning us to the Diamond Light Codes and Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God as Conscious Co-Creators and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.
We further assist in activating this Diamond Light Ray through the Crystalline Cities above the primary sacred sites in the creation of the Diamond Unity Grid of Divine Love so that all Life can experience their magnificence and Light as conscious co-creators to the Divine.
A wonderful telewebinar transmission, taking us deeper into our Christed Hearts, and the Path of Divine Love, as we experience a new sense of CommUNITY and authentic expressions of our Selves.
Enjoy this wonderful transmission of invocations, affirmations, Light Language and Diamond Light Code activations.