The I AM Avatar Diamond Light Codes Ignition
In this wonderful I AM Avatar Diamond Light Codes Ignition telewebinar transmission thru Anrita Melchizedek, we enter into the Diamond Light Portal as Flames of Divinity and Conscious Co-Creators to the Divine.
We have experienced many amazing Light activities in this Golden Age of Light, taking us deeper into Re-union with the Divine, and Re-union with ourselves and one another as the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light, the collective Christed Light upon this sacred earth. One of the dimensional frequency activations many of us have experienced has been through the Divine Rays of Creation, and in particular, the building of the Rainbow Bridge to Mother/Father God through the 12 earthly rays and the six Cosmic Rays. By the Grace of God, these ray frequencies are now completely anchored, and the Cosmic Map to the Heart of God has made its return, and is now activating for all Life upon this sacred earth through the Diamond Ray of Melchizedek Consciousness.
Additionally we experience the Diamond Light Codes or Resurrection Codes of the I Am Avatar Consciousness igniting thru the Diamond Ray of Melchizedek Consciousness. As this God activated ray of purity and innocence blazes through and into each sub-atomic particle upon this sacred earth and within the hearts of all humanity, we merge with our Beloved I Am Presence, Soul and Star Family, rebalance our Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits and come deeper into unity and community. New mission codes and prosperity codes come online in conscious communication and loving relationships, and we deepen into a new flow of harmony, grace and ease, walking the path of the diamond, the path of Love.
Through this celestial Diamond Light, and the Diamond Light Codes of Creation we are now able to magnetically bring together all needed frequencies as well as deeper levels of support through the Overlighting of our Beloved I AM Presence and the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High. As our creations of Light unfold energetically through the sacred geometry of the Fruit of life, starting with the swirling’s of the vesica piscis and the activation of our Trinity Lords Shield of Light, we come deeper into cosmic conscious awareness as co-creators to the Company of Heaven. And in our ability to access, align, download and activate the multi-dimensional Diamond Light codes we take our mission work into the next level of service with grace and ease.
In this beautiful transmission, we start by experiencing the Rainbow Bridge of Light to the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God thru the Rays of Creation, and in this process activate the dormant DNA and create our multidimensional Bodies of Light.
We enter into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, merging with our Beloved I Am Presence, Soul and Star Family of the Light. From this place of God’s Infinite Perfection, we experience the Love of the Divine Mother expand from within our Christed Hearts in the knowing of truly coming Home, into our hearts of Divine Love.
We then activate our Trinity Lord’s Shield of Light and following this, ignite the I AM Avatar Diamond Light Codes through our Rainbow Light Body. This unique diamond activation creates the perfect Templatings and Blueprints of the I Am Avatar Race, attuning us to the Diamond Light Codes and Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God as Conscious Co-Creators and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.
We further assist in activating this Diamond Light Ray through the Crystalline Cities above the primary sacred sites in the creation of the Diamond Unity Grid of Divine Love so that all Life can experience their magnificence and Light as conscious co-creators to the Divine.
A wonderful telewebinar transmission, taking us deeper into our Christed Hearts, and the Path of Divine Love, as we experience a new sense of CommUNITY and authentic expressions of our Selves.
Enjoy this wonderful transmission of invocations, affirmations, Light Language and Diamond Light Code activations.