The Sirian Stargate of the Heart and the Golden Age Temples of Light
Join Anrita and the Elders in this beautiful telewebinar transmission of invocations and affirmations, as we experience the Sirian Stargate of the Heart and the Golden Age Temples of Light as we come together as One Unified Cosmic Heart.
We start by traveling in our activated Merkabas into the Sirian Living Library within the etheric of Sirius as it aligns with the Center of the Galaxy. As we merge with our Christed ET Selves, we access the Cosmic Living Library Codes and Universal Akashic Records from the Golden Age timelines of Lemuria, Atlantis and ancient Egypt in particular as these volunteer Souls to Mother Earth and all Life. As these Golden Age timelines merge into this Golden Age timeline in increased waves of Cosmic Christ Consciousness and Divine Love, this assists us to create and bring about huge changes within our own life in the knowing of our starseed contracts upon this sacred earth in timelines of Self Mastery.
As initiates of Light, we enter into the Sirian Temple of the Goddess. Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League of Light and the Order of Melchizedek, we attune to the Pink Sirian Seed Crystal within this Temple which activates the pink flame of unconditional, compassionate Love. We merge with our Sirian Christed ET Self as we dissolve and transmute emotional and etheric debris no longer needing to be experienced, particularly old emotional ties or misused or abused heart energy imprintings. The Sirian Temple of the Goddess embraces the Divine Masculine archetypal energy as it surrenders to the Divine Feminine archetype. Embracing, loving and appreciated our Divine Masculine Spirits and all they have done to defend us and protect us, while realizing this is no longer needing to be experienced as we walk the path of Love. In this rebalancing of our Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits, we ignite our Divine Feminine and Masculine Pillars into the Central Pillar of Equilibrium and Truth, and embrace of the full range of our emotions. Additionally we activate the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron within our Christed Hearts, and our Sword of Holy Truth through these energies of Divine Love.
We then enter into the Lemurian Temple of Dreaming. Overlighted by the Lemurian Elders, our Lemurian Multidimensional Selves who have experienced this timeline and the Order of Melchizedek. We attune to the Tangerine Dream Lemurian Seed Crystal within this Temple which activates Soul re-alignment as it aligns into the original Divine Blueprint. This Temple has an accelerated energy pattern that offers profound change, taking us deeper into our heart’s dreaming and our heart’s passion. Additionally we connect into the Soul dreamtime of Crystalline Cities, Ashrams of Light and inner plane Schools of Learning as we activate the sacred geometry of the cube within our Christed Heart’s, and our Sword of Holy Truth.
We then enter into the Atlantean Diamond Crystal Temple of Multidimensional Interface, Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Order of Melchizedek, Thoth and the Atlantean Priesthood. As we deepen into the Diamond Light codes, activating at the deepest levels of our beingness the Divine Blueprint of Creation through the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, also known as Melchizedek Consciousness, we increase our Light Quotient and activate the Atlantean Star Ki codes of Unity and Truth through our original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint. From here,we enter into the Halls of Amenti. In particular, we enter into the Temple of the Cold Flaming Flower of Life,where we experience the personal living library of our Golden Age lifetimes and service work in Atlantis. Additionally, we activate the sacred geometry of the octahedron within our Christed Heart’s, and our Sword of Holy Truth.
From here we enter into the Egyptian Temple of Light and Darkness, Overlighted by the Sirian Archangel League of the Light, the High Priesthood and the Order of Melchizedek. Within the Temple of Light and Darkness, we merge with our Egyptian Multidimensional Selves as we attune to the Smoky Egyptian Seed Crystal, an effective karmic cleanser. We release the victim and persecutor consciousness in courage and compassion as we walk both the karmic and Christed Timelines; as we find the balance between Light and dark, touching the point of neutrality, letting go of judgment, and trusting and surrendering to the Divine. This Temple takes us into courageously facing and embracing our shadow aspects, in the knowing that our challenges of Light are initiations of Light as we face our fears and embrace the change upon us in this Now. Additionally, we activate the sacred geometry of the dodecahedron within our Christed Heart’s, and our Sword of Holy Truth.
Lastly, we enter back into the Temple of Truth, where every aspect of our Life is re-aligned to our Highest Potential and timelines of Self Mastery, whether this is relationship issues, health issues or deeper levels of your Soul purpose and heart’s dreaming as we look through our Master Eyes where all Truth is revealed. Additionally, we activate the sacred geometry of the icosahedron within our Christed Heart’s, as we complete the geometries for the activation and actualization of the Sirian Stargate of the Heart. Furthermore, our Sword of Holy Truth ignites through the Flames of Truth as the veils of illusion lift and we draw to us our future Self in this Now moment and Golden Age of Light.
As we reflect upon the changes we wish to make within our own lives, we deepen into trusting and surrendering to the Divine, truth, Love and forgiveness manifestation, courage, and discernment. And so it is.
Mp3 recording link with and without background music