Stargate Five
Through this stargate series you are taken you into the seventh dimension and the sixteenth ray of Intergalactic Christ Consciousness, as well as being lifted into the frequency of Metatronic Consciousness. Lord Metatron, the creator of the super-electron Overlights you along with the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light at this dimensional level as you travel through this stargate into the seventh dimension. You build the sacred geometry of the icosahedron at it relates to this dimensional level and further activate the intergalactic axiatonal lines within and around your body, merging with your multidimensional Selves at this dimensional level as well as the Beings of Light working along this Intergalactic Christ Consciousness grid of Light. In addition to this, you potentially activate DNA strands nine and ten. You focus on the quality of expansiveness as you are placed in a Metatronic Chamber of Light, receiving downloads and packets of Light information through the super-electron pulsating in Light waves of Metatronic Consciousness. Your hologram and energy body are remodulated with the most appropriate Light packets of information relative to your Service work on the lower worlds, sister dimensions and alternative realities and as this occurs, you shift much deeper into the fourth level of Cosmic Christ Consciousness. You further activate the codes relating to the gifts of clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairvoyance. As you come back to the Planetary Christ Consciousness grid, you surround it in a beautiful golden flame bringing the encodings of Light potentially activated through your DNA at a seventh dimensional level into this Unity grid of Light.
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