Stargate Two
In this stargate series, you are taken through the fourth dimensional stargate into the energy of the Sun, Overlighted by Helios and Vesta, the Solar Logii. Prior to this, you link into the Planetary Christ Consciousness grid of Light, where you are again placed being in a Sonic Emissions Chamber of Light, this time clearing your consciousness of the lower thought forms and feelings that accumulate around the earth plane on an astral level. Following this, you activate the shape of the cube around your body as it relates to the fourth dimension of Solar Christ Consciousness and the thirteenth ray of Solar Christ Consciousness. You then travel through this fourth dimensional stargate activating the Solar axiatonal lines connecting through this fourth dimensional grid of Light and the related grid within your body and energy field. With the energy of this thirteenth ray bringing through an amplified frequency of Love-Wisdom through the energy of the Sun, you merge with the Beings of Light along this fourth dimensional Solar grid as well as your multidimensional Selves at this dimensional level. You further activate the DNA related to strands three and four holding a focus of Love. Coming back to the Planetary Christ Consciousness grid, you download the codes of Light experienced on this fourth dimension through a beautiful copper-gold flame of Love.
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