Stargate Six
Through this stargate series you are taken you into the eighth dimension and the seventeenth ray of Universal Christ Consciousness. As you initially focus on the Planetary Christ Consciousness grid, you activate the colors and primary quality to each of the Cosmic rays. You focus on the primarily qualities of manifestation, illumination, sacred sexuality, expansiveness and insightfulness through the Overlighting of the appropriate Co-Creative Ray Councils of Twelve as you integrate these qualities and allow these Cosmic ray frequencies to be available for all Life on this Earth plane. You build the sacred geometry of the dodecahedron as you travel into Universal Christ Consciousness through the Orion stargate, Overlighted by the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light and Lord Melchizedek. You activate the Universal axiatonal lines as you connect into the Universal grid of Light and the Beings of Light along this grid of Light. As you merge with your multidimensional Selves at this dimensional level, you have the ability to activate the full twelve strand DNA. You are further placed in a Noise Light Emissions Chamber of Light, which assists in the creation of your perfected etheric electronic body of Light through the axiatonal lines. For the axiatonal lines, through the appropriate geometries of color and sound, are able to bring about the necessary noise light emissions, as they are called, to cure dis-eases such as cancer, arthritis, blindness and many other illnesses. This occurs through the spin points, which spins the cells at a faster rate, creating light micro-fibrils. This is one of the advanced Ascended Master skills and through the activation of the axiatonal lines at each dimensional level and the activation of the 12 Strand DNA in particular at this dimensional level, one of the gifts to potentially be experienced. As you come back to the Planetary Christ Consciousness grid, you download these eighth dimensional Light codes within this grid of Light.
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