Ninth Ray of Highest Potentials – Chiron

Ninth Ray of Highest Potentials – Chiron



In this guided visualization, you are going to travel in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light to the etheric of Chiron, which holds the predominate energy signature of the ninth ray of Highest Potentials through the Chiron Co-Creative Council of Twelve. With the assistance of your Chiron Higher Self of the Light, the archetypes related to ninth ray of Highest Potentials, and Overlighted by Mary Mother, Archangels Raziel and Tzadkiel, and the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light you will align yourself to your original eight-cell blueprint with the focus on purpose through joy, as you find the symbols of the tower and tetrahedron. You will further embody the magical images and archetypes associated with this ray. Following this, you will be taken to the Ascension Seat in Chiron, where you will merge with the archetypes to this ray and your Chiron Higher Self of the Light. You will become the creative extension of the higher mind, manifesting creations of light in alignment with divine will.